I like what @CWOTUS has to say a lot. But I guess it’s hard for me to lose faith in people when I don’t see people as something to have faith in in the first place. Perhaps that is why my views often seem a bit strange to others.
I believe I understand why humans do a lot of crazy and sometimes really malevolent shit. And while it bothers me on a personal level, it does not bother me on the collective level, because (and perhaps this is where faith comes in), it seems to me that humans are clever creatures with a lot of imagination who are capable of solving some incredibly big problems.
Yes, there will be cases where a lot of people die. There will be times when humans kill a lot of other humans. But I don’t think we will kill each other off to the point where our species can’t survive.
Since I see things at that global level, it’s kind of hard to lose my faith in humanity. My faith in humanity can tolerate a lot of malicious behavior. I can find reasons for that behavior that moves the species forward, as a whole. Why do we kill so many people sometimes? Because it helps us learn how not to kill so many the next time we have these kinds of disputes.
On an individual level, I have never been treated badly enough to lose my faith in others. I hear lots of bad tales from other people, and I wonder why I have not had that happen to me. I suspect it’s because I’ve learned how to stay out of a lot of trouble. Whether I’m in the streets of the city, or in the country, or whether it is interpersonal relationships, I’ve learned to identify signs of trouble and I’ve developed coping skills.
Most recently, it was my own brain that caused the trouble. But I made it through that, and learned a whole new set of coping skills.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m cynical about a lot of things—particularly politics. And yet, I take the view that this is human nature and it is a useful thing. The battles may be unpleasant, but over time periods longer than my life, they do move us forward. Sure there are lies and other forms of nasty things, but they are useful.
Perhaps you could say my faith is in evolutionary processes, not humans. I believe these processes are very good algorithms for solving a lot of different kinds of problems, as long as we are looking at things from an evolutionary time scale. Humanity, I feel confident, will endure. I mean, for god’s sake. There are 7 billion people on the planet. You could kill 6 billion of them and still have plenty to move forward. Do you know how hard it is to kill that many people?