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janbb's avatar

Who's been biting me all over my body?

Asked by janbb (63361points) September 3rd, 2012

For the past several days, I’ve had little itchy bites all over my body. I can’t tell if there are new ones coming out or if they all came at once. They are not big welts like mosquito bites. I was at the beach on Friday and a friend’s pool over the weekend. Sand fleas? Fleas (but no animals have been in my house.)? Not bed bugs are they?

They really itch and are mainly on my back and legs which makes me think they came when I was in a bathing suit. Help me!

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38 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

Sand flies (aka no-see-ums- and midges) are most likely the culprits.

janbb's avatar

@gailcalled That sounds likely but I resent the fact that they are also called “granny nippers”!

El_Cadejo's avatar

After they bite you, squeeze the bite to get their venom out. It will be kinda like a clear pus . If you do that they really won’t itch that bad afterwards.
They were so bad in certain parts of Central America. I hate those damn flies. One got me on my lip when I was napping in a hammock once and my lip swelled up horribly. I could barely talk right for an hour lol.
Edit: Just looked at Gails link. ”. Belize and Honduras are notorious in the Caribbean for their sandfly populations” ha

gailcalled's avatar

I love this, referring to New Zealand sand flies, which are apparently a type of black fly but equally nasty: “These sand flies were able, according to another Maori legend, to revive the dead.”

I used to wear a net suit (@janbb; you do remember out discussion of them way back she, don’t you?) for all of June when I was outside at camp and surrounded by 6 million acres of Adirondack park.


Calamine lotion
Ibuprofen Gel
Hydrocortisone cream 1%
Xylocaine gel 2%
Avon ‘Skin So Soft’
Tea tree oil
Essential lavender oil

Home remedies:

Baking soda with water
Aloe vera

janbb's avatar

@gailcalled Yes. These aren’t as bad as black flies or greenheads; I’ve had both of them.

Coloma's avatar

Who or what?....big dif. there Jannie….lol

You tell us who has been biting you? haha

janbb's avatar

Well, I did put this in social? lofl

chyna's avatar

This question was way more exciting and erotic before I read the details.

Coloma's avatar

Hey now, if you take @gailcalled ‘s advice and rub yourself down with onions, vinegar and toothpaste, well…nothing will ever bite you again, man nor beast!
Don’t forget the garlic wreath around your neck and a cache of silver bullets and a wooden stake or

janbb's avatar

@chyna Ain’t dat the truth?

Dutchess_III's avatar


ucme's avatar

It may have been me, as I said before, I love penguins ;¬}

cookieman's avatar

I think the real question is, “Who would you like to be biting you” @janbb??

janbb's avatar

@cprevite I never get bitten and tell.

Coloma's avatar

Bedbugs? Ewwwww! For someone who is not very squeamish I draw the line at bedbugs. haha

janbb's avatar

Well – so who knows what bedbug bites look like? I don’t think it’s that but….

gailcalled's avatar


All bedbugs need beds.
Jan was at the beach in a bathing costume
Bites conform to costume; hence not bedbugs.

Coloma's avatar

What about bedbug beach cots? haha

gailcalled's avatar

@chyna: We need pictures of a bed bug who bites @janbb and not a picture.

chyna's avatar

@gailcalled @janbb needs to post pictures of her skin. :-)

janbb's avatar

I’m not sure the world is ready for pictures of a bug-bitten penguin but those do not look like my bites, denks Gott! My bites are very small and well-spaced.

(Do you think global warming is responsible for this anomaly?)

LuckyGuy's avatar

The lucky buggers.

janbb's avatar

@LuckyGuy Ah, sweet! I could use some harmless flirting right about now.

wundayatta's avatar

I hope it isn’t chiggers. How badly do they itch now?

gailcalled's avatar

Even chiggers can’t survive the Jersey shore

janbb's avatar

No – think chiggers would be worse feeling.

They look like tiny little pimples.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@gailcalled theyre everywhere here. I was in my back yard workin on some stuff yesterday and stumbled upon a nest.luckily I was able to wash em all off in time

wundayatta's avatar

@gailcalled Even you are in chigger territory, albeit in a moderately infested state.

Coloma's avatar

Disgusting! California is a chigger free state. lol

Kayak8's avatar

Feather mites are known to afflict penguins . . .

augustlan's avatar

I confess. It was me! Nom nom

Shippy's avatar

I really don’t know, but as soon as I read this it reminded me of “scabies”. The aged home where my mother was often had outbreaks. They like clean skin apparently? A tell tale sign is a scratch mark, red, in certain areas.

janbb's avatar

Update: I’ve been inside much of the past two days and they seem to be subsiding so my guess is that it was sand flies at the beach or in the yard! Yay!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Now in your bed. Huh!

Pooh54's avatar

could they be flea bites? i got bit reacently and they are so itchy!!!

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