Meta Question

janbb's avatar

Can we throw the biggest Fluther party ever for Our Founder - Ben! - who is getting married this weekend?

Asked by janbb (63347points) September 3rd, 2012

Indeed, he is! I’d like to wish him my heartiest of Mazel Tovs and hope you’ll all join in congratulating him. Pancakes, guacamole and cake in the frizzer to him and his wonderful wife-to-be!

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68 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Congrats Ben, from the very bottom of my heart. Your work here has been an amazing gift for us Jellies! Best wishes you and your bride to be.

downtide's avatar

Congratulations Ben and your wife-to-be! I hope you have a great day and a wonderful future together.

hearkat's avatar

Best wishes to Ben and his bride!!

LuckyGuy's avatar

So? Nu? Is she Jewish, already?
And what does her father do? Yenta wants to know.

Oh and Ben, sweetie, if you can, please don’t invite Uncle Irving. At the last wedding, he made a pig of himself and ate all the stuffed olives. Aunt Bertie was mortified.

chyna's avatar

This is exciting! Congratulations!

linguaphile's avatar

Amazing news!! Congratulations, Ben!!!

DrBill's avatar


Tropical_Willie's avatar

Wishing you all the love and happiness in the world . . .

and congratulations on your marriage.

gailcalled's avatar

She is @occ here; her father was a Rabbi.

Here is her cryptic question from last week asking about attractive flattish shoes for dancing but not for crippling feet.

marinelife's avatar

Congratulations @Ben and @occ! You are embarking on the adventure of a lifetime! Wedded bliss is the very best! There will be downs, but they will be offset by the ups. As long as you enjoy each other’s company and laugh together, you will be happy!

Coloma's avatar

Yay! Congrats, even though I know nothing about you, I can be a wedding crasher, sure! Point me in the direction of the champagne please.

wundayatta's avatar

Congratulations, you two! Live long and prosper. Have a great party.

And if you pay me enough, I won’t give you that long, long, toast that my great uncle Eddie delivered at my wedding, thus flattening the whole thing for a good half hour!

Just kidding. I don’t have an uncle Eddie. And you can ignore anything I say just by skipping it.

harple's avatar

Woohoo! Congratulations! Have the most fabulous time, whatever you wear on your feet! :-) Ooh, and do share some photos!

tinyfaery's avatar

Hey, @ben, Congrats! I hope you have a blast!

flutherother's avatar

Congratulations and best wishes to you both.

digitalimpression's avatar

Congrats! (Insert thoughtful, meaningful, and appropriately witty quote from someone famous here)

tedibear's avatar

Congratulations, Ben! Best wishes to you and the new Mrs. Ben!

nebule's avatar

Dang…I was hoping to steal him for myself…eventually… ;-)

In all seriousness…MASSIVE congratualtions Ben xxx not envious of your future to be at all

marinelife's avatar

@nebule Great to see you back Fluthering again!

Jeruba's avatar

Oh, wonderful! Congratulations, and very best wishes to both of you. Hurrah!

Cover your ears if you don’t wish to hear the ladies breathe a little sigh as you pass out of bachelorhood.

ben's avatar

Thanks for the kind words, everyone! Just a week away, and we’re so excited!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@ben : Have a hearty Hawai`ian “Ho`omaikai!” I wish all the best for you and your bride.

glacial's avatar

Aww… congratulations, prime jelly!

marinelife's avatar

@ben Any word on where you are honeymooning?

nebule's avatar

@marinelife Thank you xx It’s good to be back, really good xxx

filmfann's avatar

Wonderful news, Ben! I hope you have all the happiness, love and joy in the world!
signed All Your Bastard Children Here At Fluther

SavoirFaire's avatar

Congratulations, @ben! May you go together like salt and pepper forever and ever!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

That’s wonderful, congratulations to Ben and his future bride.

GracieT's avatar

Congratulations, @Ben!

Bellatrix's avatar

Congratulations @Ben and @occ. I hope you have a wonderful day for your wedding and it’s the first of many, many happy days together.

creative1's avatar

Congratulations @ben I wish you and your bride a wonderful life together!

stardust's avatar

Congrats @ben :-)

MilkyWay's avatar

Wow, this is exciting!
My heartiest Congratulations to you and your bride Ben!!
I want to take this moment to thank you for your work here at Fluther, it’s been an invaluable gift to many of us. :)

syz's avatar


SuperMouse's avatar

Congratulations and all the best to Ben and Occ!!!

Berserker's avatar

He did it after escaping Dracula’s castle kicking Dracula’s ass, and he didn’t even get sick.

Congrats, and much happiness and good fortune to you both. :)

augustlan's avatar

Congratulations, boss-man! I’m thrilled for both of you. :)

How did I not know that @occ was your fiancee? Nobody tells me anything, grumble grumble.

geeky_mama's avatar

Congratulations! Wishing you a lifetime of happiness together!

cookieman's avatar

Nice! Ya stuck the landing. Congratulations and may this begin many, many years of happiness together.

jca's avatar

Congratulations! Peace and much happiness to you both!

AngryWhiteMale's avatar

Congratulations to the happy couple!

rooeytoo's avatar

Congratulations and a happy life to you both!

Buttonstc's avatar

What fantastic news. Congratulations to you both and a lifetime of joy and love together.

ETpro's avatar

Congratulations @Ben and @occ. Wishing you a great marriage and an even more wondrous life together.

zensky's avatar

Congratulations dear Founder. All the best!!!

YARNLADY's avatar

* * * Y * A * Y * * * CONGRATULATIONS ! ! ! * * * Y * A * Y * * *

whitenoise's avatar

Congratulations Ben.

One thing to pick up from Fluther…. Life’s what you make it. Go for it and be happy!

PhiNotPi's avatar


blueiiznh's avatar

I am humbled to be part of the event. Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunny2's avatar

May I be the flower girl? Or is that spot already taken? Very best wishes to you both.

Keep_on_running's avatar

Nice work on the 20K!

Uh I mean… wait a sec.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Congratulations @Ben! Be sure to step firmly on the glass.

mangeons's avatar

I’m a tad late, but congratulations! I wish you the best. :-)

janbb's avatar

@mangeons Oh – this party can last all week!

ninja_man's avatar

Cool man! Congrats!

ZEPHYRA's avatar

All the very best to you both. May the road ahead be paved with stardust and rose petals.

Cruiser's avatar

If you put a fraction of the energy into your marriage that you put into Fluther, not only will you be forever happy with your spouse but you will have a tide pool of baby jellies of your own to show off! Congrats on the nuptial bliss!

nebule's avatar

Can we have pics please post event?? xx

Nullo's avatar

Woo! Congrats!

janbb's avatar

(P.S. – I heard from a little bird that it was a wonderful wedding!)

augustlan's avatar

Andrew said it was “enchanting”. :)

gailcalled's avatar

As did the little bird in my life. I am waiting for picture.

@janbb; Did my little bird meet your little bird?

janbb's avatar

@gailcalled My little bird has been busy in Mountain View catching worms all week so I haven’t gotten a full report. Il retournera(?) a Paris and sa famille le samedi.

augustlan's avatar

@gailcalled and @janbb If you’re FB friends with Ben, go to his profile and click on pictures. Several friends and his new bride have posted pics, and they are lovely!

Bellatrix's avatar

I hope he can post one photo. Even if the faces are pixalated. It would be lovely to see.

gailcalled's avatar

@augustlan: I saw only two, not very good quality and with everyone’s back turned. However, Ben seems to be wearing very cool shoes (but no poo hat.)

The other pics are of his brother Dan’s wedding in several months ago. It has been a busy time for the Finkels. Oldest bro David and his lady are pregnant with second child.

Nimis's avatar

Belated congratulations to two lovely jellies!

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