Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

If you were guaranteed a salary but had the option of working for 9 months with three months off, or working only 4 days a week for 12 months, which would you choose and why?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47210points) September 3rd, 2012


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19 Answers

Bellatrix's avatar

It would depend on my financial situation and discipline. If I could save enough over the nine months to carry me through the three, I would take the time off. Or, if I have a partner who earns enough so my income wasn’t essential for that three months, I would take the time off. Otherwise, I would take the four days.

creative1's avatar

It would depend on if I got things like sick time, vacation time through the rest of the year as well as when the 3mths off would be.

ninja_man's avatar

Like @creative1 said, provided I got benefits I would take the four day work week. Ah, that sounds lovely!

Kayak8's avatar

@Bellatrix I think the question assumes you get a steady salary throughout the year, regardless of which choice you make. For example, teachers get three months off and can select to have their salary spread out over 12 months.

I would go for the 4-day work week personally . . .

Bellatrix's avatar

That makes sense @Kayak8. In my field, unless you are in a continuing position, you can find yourself with no money for three months. I’m in a position where I can work from home so I work odd hours anyway, so would take the time off.

jca's avatar

When you say working 9 months, does that mean 9 months straight, 7 days per week? That’s not clear.

If it means 9 months straight, 7 days per week, than no, I’d rather 4 day work weeks x 12 months per year.

If it means 9 months of 5 day work weeks with 3 months off, I’ll take that.

Bellatrix's avatar

Good question @jca. I took it to mean 9 months x 5 day weeks.

augustlan's avatar

While the idea of three consecutive months off sounds great, I think I would have a very hard time getting back into the swing of things when it was time to return to work. I’d probably prefer the year ‘round 4 day a week schedule for that reason alone.

jca's avatar

Thinking about this further, I am curious with the 4 day work week option, does that mean no weeks off at all during the year? I ask because it’s nice to have a week or two to travel somewhere, a solid week of downtime, to take a trip with the family. Also, assuming that if a holiday falls during one of the four work days in the work week, the holiday would be off? I am sorry to over-analyze, but I started thinking of this question in detail and came up with these other issues.

Buttonstc's avatar

Having worked as a teacher, I really got quite used to the summer months off and I’d likely choose it again. Slogging to work through the dog days of summer holds no appeal for me whatsoever.

hug_of_war's avatar

Working in education for the first time, those 3 months off will be pure glory. In the end I find a long break more rejuvenating to my spirit than long weekends. For example I just had a long weekend due to labor day and I’m actually dreading going in today – 3 days is too short for me to fully relax and start to miss it.

Seek's avatar

4 day work week.

The utter insanity of not having a day off for nine months would drive me bananas. I already get Friday-itis, so to have a 3 day weekend would be awesome.

jca's avatar

There’s a big difference between a school schedule and the 9 months off without any break in between. A school schedule still gives a week here and there for Christmas/New Year’s, Mid-winter recess and Easter breaks. The OP does not make it clear (unless by omission the assumption should be she means 9 months without a break at all) whether it’s a school schedule she refers to, or 9 months straight without any chance of a day off, let alone a week off.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Salary=guaranteed through the year.
12 months X 5 days a week.
Well, I’m a teacher on a 12 month contract. I get spring break (a week) and 2 weeks at Christmas. Also Labor Day, etc. The only thing I don’t like about it is that I don’t have any vacation time, and it’s kind of a bummer to feel like you HAVE to take your vacation at spring break or in December. I’d rather go in June, July or August. But, I have plenty sick leave saved up.
I’m 4 days a week. It really is wonderful!!

KNOWITALL's avatar

Absolutely 4 days a week. 3 months is a long time with no structure for me, couldn’t do it.

jca's avatar

If it is as @Dutchess_III says with 9 months x 5 days a week AND spring break and two weeks at Christmas, plus the other holidays, then I’ll take that. School schedule also (usually) works till only around 3:30 or so.

However, if it’s 12 months x 4 days a week without other breaks or holidays, then no.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I’d take the 3 mos. off but only because it’s just hubby & me and we could take a nice vacation then, no time limit. What are your vacation needs? Is the Mr. able to take advantage of the summer break with you? If not then I can tell you from experience that having 4 day weeks is pretty awesome! You can make mini vacations out of them and mix in with the bigger 1 week breaks.

I’m glad you’ve got a job with some nice options now :)

Supacase's avatar

With a child in school, I would take the three months to be with her during summer break instead of putting her in child care.

Before she came along or after she’s grown and out of the house, 4 days a week!

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Supacase That’s actually the reason I got into teaching, so I could be on my kid’s schedule! But they’re all grown now.

@jca I work 12 X 4 days a week, get spring break, Christmas and all the other holidays. Shoot. This last labor day I had FOUR days off! Fri-Mon. I could have taken a couple more as sick leave, and gone some place but didn’t really think about it in time. I’m still getting used to the awful schedule. :P

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