Meta Question

XOIIO's avatar

What happened to all the chat rooms?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) September 6th, 2012

I was just wondering, we used to have 5 or 6 different chat rooms, now its down to just the two, and they are empty as usual. Whats with the change.

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11 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

They stopped giving away free pancakes, and jellies stopped coming.

No, seriously, use of the chat rooms had dropped sharply, and in an effort to revive them, they were consolidated to simplify things. Maybe somebody with a better memory than me will come along and remind us when this took place.

DeanV's avatar

If nobody goes in these two, nobody is going to go in six.

augustlan's avatar

Yeah, we did away with the extra rooms a long while ago.

zensky's avatar

If you only noticed now, months later, imagine how few people were using them.

ucme's avatar

As with all piles of shit, they were cleared up & taken away.

Judi's avatar

I never really got what chat rooms were all about. I sort of felt like the wall flower in a party standing around going “what the heck?”

Keep_on_running's avatar

I’ll be in the chatroom for the next 24 hours if that helps.

Come talk to me. Not creepy at all.

woodcutter's avatar

What would we discuss there that we don’t out here? Most of us have seen each other on the pot so…

jca's avatar

For me, if I want to chat with someone I do it with people on FB, or I’ll pm them on sites like this or FB. I can’t see the purpsoe of a “room” full of people just shooting the breeze.

Kardamom's avatar

^^ Exactly! That’s what real life is for : )

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