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mazingerz88's avatar

[ NSFW! ] How messed up our romantic lives would be in this freaky scenario?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29376points) September 8th, 2012

What if the female sex organ is equipped with something called LABIA aka Limited Access Biological Imprinting Attribute-?

Meaning, the vagina remembers the first penis of the guy that a woman fell in love with and penetrated and for the rest of its natural life would only open for that one and only pioneering schlong.

( Btw, thinking this would generate easy going humorous banter. I do acknowledge the difficult issues relating to forced sex but hoping the board wouldn’t go there for now. Remember, it’s only the first guy she falls in love with. Thanks. )

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17 Answers

wundayatta's avatar

Oh man, is she screwed if he doesn’t love her. There should be some equivalent malfunction for men, so they also imprint on the first woman they screw.

This isn’t so much a freaky scenario as a highly dysfunctional scenario. Why did you want to play what-if with this? Oh, I get it. You just liked the acronym. Well, here’s a challenge for you. Why not find an equivalent acronym for penis.

DrBill's avatar

Penile Encoding & Neurological Implanting Syndrome

blueiiznh's avatar

It might make way to a business of medical penile swap surgery.

Interesting article here about a penile transplant and how the wife had “psychologically rejected” it.

FutureMemory's avatar

Actually, I think this would be a wonderful thing.

Trillian's avatar

Forget the romantic lives bit. Especially if the same thing happened to men. Would that include masturbation? There goes the porn industry. What about the industries that survive on our need to be attractive to each other, Would we all just give up and give it a miss? say screw it, I won’t be sleeping with this schmuck anyway, I might as well not waste any money trying to make my lashes ultra long, or my breath minty fresh. Guess I won’t spend the money on these fuck-me shoes. Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.
We all would be forced to find different outlets for our aggression. We’d all probably start running or cycling. I can’t decide if there would be more or less war. The possibilities are staggering.
I rarely say this, but GOOD QUESTION!

Cruiser's avatar

If we confine this to the first penis she fell in love with I don’t think I have to go out on a limb to say this “mechanism” already exists…that is IF women can separate the subsequent events that led to a breakup from said Mr. Wonderful First Time Penis.

livelaughlove21's avatar

It wouldn’t change much for me. I’m married to the first guy I’ve ever loved. The no masturbation thing would sort of suck though. But, hey, who needs penetration when you have a clitoris?

Only138's avatar

This would just work for the vagina, right? Not the mouth? :)

mazingerz88's avatar

@Only138 Absolutely. Now that scenario? That’s terrifying! Lol.

Only138's avatar

LOL. Good Question @mazingerz88 :)

mazingerz88's avatar

@Only138 I think I should tone down the severity of this idea a notch. This could make for an interesting sci-fi slash romantic comedy movie. The vagina wouldn’t be limited to the first guy whom she fell in love with. It will grant access as long as she is in love with the guy. Ah, just imagine the many twisted, complicated and convoluted upheavals in the world of romance that would create! Lol.

FutureMemory's avatar

@Only138 You forgot to ask about the ass.

mazingerz88's avatar

Well, asses would only open up for disingenuous politicians. : )

Berserker's avatar

Pioneering shlongs, asses opening up, man what the hell is this thread?? XD

Cool question though. Ain’t got much of an answer, but I do agree that this would make interesting material for a story, or movie.

Taciturnu's avatar

I’m pretty sure I’d have a restraining order on me if this were the case.

GracieT's avatar

I don’t even want to think about what this would be like. I ran away screaming (figuratively) from the first man I fell in love (was it love?) and slept with. Being married to him? Hell no! Do we get a Do-Over?

tedd's avatar

I know two x g/f’s who would be constantly calling me ;)


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