Social Question

Do my fellow Flutherites truly understand the implications of the November elections?
The election in November is one of the most critical events in our recent history. It is not just Democrat against Republican, it is about keeping religion out of government, it is about the Republicans wanting to gut our Social Services programs, it is about the Republicans wanting to re-subjugate women, it is about racial issues, it is about immigration status, it is about the Student Loan situation for college students. The demographics are changing in the United States to the point that white people are no longer in the ascendant – our future will be with the non-white population & the Republicans are going to do their best to see that ‘whites’ retain control of our government (that has been their stated aim ever since Obama was elected – to get him OUT of power). I think this link explains the situation as well as anything can
Are any of us really ready to accept Romney & Ryan as the winners of the November election? Can the Super PACs actually buy the election for the Republicans?