General Question

Would you tell me about your journey to atheism, please?
This is the general section.
Please, do not start a debate between believers and nonbelievers.
The question is plain enough.
I suppose a tad bit of explanation is in order: I’ve had enough experience in life to believe something transcends what we can perceive with our senses, but at the same time, I don’t believe in any particular god.

40 Answers

Oddly I have never called myself an atheist. I have really experienced “God” so much so it was earth shattering. Yet, on a sustained basis I just couldn’t hack it. I really do need to be spiritual simply because I feel, I cannot rely on myself, and just myself. Also humans are fallible. I am still searching. I do believe though it is a relationship, meaning it takes work or commitment from both sides. If that makes any sense? I also believe in prayer. However ask me that on occasion and I will tell you it’s useless, but looking back prayer DOES work.Lately I have been praying a lot, and my life has taken uncanny moves and shifts, I cannot explain that. I love your question, because I feel for me, when I describe myself as “atheist” I simply lost faith. I see no wrong or right in being an atheist or not, oftentimes life or events make us feel that way. When I say I am an atheist I feel empty to be honest.

@Hawaii_Jake Take a tour of this the Site. It is the Unitarian Universalist Association website. They follow a spiritual belief, but not a specific god. The best of luck in your search.

I can’t remember a time when I believed in God. I have been trying to remember a time when I was conscious of being a believer but I can’t. As a child I was raised in the Anglican faith. I was sent to Sunday School, I went to church until I was 13. I was even confirmed. I don’t remember ever believing what I was reading in the bible or what I was being told. So I can’t remember a time when I changed my beliefs.
I do recall being in church and finding the whole thing totally insincere. I remember looking at the old ladies in their hats and thinking ‘this is a hat show’. It seemed to me more importance was placed on showing off their new hats than any demonstration of faith. This was reinforced when I was 13. I was anaemic (I didn’t know this at the time) and all the kneeling down and standing up meant I kept passing out. After this happened a couple of times they sent me home and said “don’t come back until you are better”. Even as a kid I was appalled by this demonstration of Christian caring.
It did help me acknowledge that I was only attending church because my parents said I should. They didn’t go. I think they enjoyed the couple of hours of peace and quiet. My father said he believed in God but he could worship him from home. The experience when I was 13 led me to say to my parents – I don’t believe in God and I am not going back there and pretending I do anymore.
I can relate to what you wrote about the belief that something transcends what we believe with our senses. I also don’t believe this relates to any type of God. I think there are many things we don’t understand or can’t yet explain about our connections to nature and the planet we live on, the universe we are part of. Rather than believing these things are evidence of God, I think just as humans once thought the world was flat, science will eventually (very possibly not in my lifetime) provide explanations.

I was raised (Polish) catholic until grade school, when my parents decided it was safe (yes, safe) not to. Mind you I was born in the mid eighties, and after 1989 things were… uncertain over here for quite a while. After the “commies” left no one really knew what was going to happen, so to be on the safe side I was baptised (at age 9 lol) and injected into the whole church thing. Guess I’m lucky it was catholicism or I’d be missing a part of my d*ck now (pardon my French).
Once I no longer had to attend any of that stuff, I was vehemently anti-religious for a few years, and later on I just stopped caring about religion, figured there are so many more interesting things to be filling your brain with. Like sci-fi lit., video games, beer? (you get the picture) Right now I just see myself as myself, not an atheist, just “me”. I really hate thinking of myself in terms of restrictions, or what I am or am not.

I do not know to what extent I ever believed in God, but I remember that around 12 the whole idea seemed repugnant to me. It just became unacceptable. When we recited the Pledge of Allegiance in class, I left out the “under God” part. It helped that my parents were not particularly religious. They went through the motions, but religious belief was not a driving force for them. It also helped that my best friend was also an atheist.

I do not feel safe enough to express myself on such a public forum as this, were I to call mysel an atheist.

Born an atheist. Raised a “New England Catholic”, which means CCD (Sunday school) and occasional church – mostly during holidays. In fact, I was an alter boy for a brief time (and no – nothing happened).
The only memories I have that I could consider “belief” was when I was a young kid and we stumbled across the remains of a porno mag. I remember wondering if I was going to go to hell for staring at boobs.
When I was about 10 or 11, I recall during CCD asking the priest – who was leading a little bible study – some questions. Admittedly, I don’t remember what the questions were, or if they were particularly good. But I do remember the response from the priest. He told me that you don’t question god and the bible. If it doesn’t make any sense, then you just have to pray more, etc. This was the exact moment that I realized the church was not in the truth business.
I dropped out of the whole thing right before I was confirmed. The relief I felt was tempered by a family that went ape shit.
Anyway, I’ve been an open atheist (agnostic atheist, technically) since then. Philosophically, I find that much of secular Buddhism resonates with me, but I don’t think this really has much in common the way we use the term religion here in the states.

I was raised Christian, but my family stopped going to church on a regular basis when I was about 4 (our minister retired, they didn’t like the new one.) We weren’t terribly religious, but God was a given. I never really questioned my religion until I read the bible when I was in 6th grade. Around the same time, I was learning about Greek mythology in school, and I really couldn’t see much difference between the two. I rejected religion at that time, but not necessarily the idea of a god. I was agnostic for a long time, with bouts of believing here and there (all inspired by the feeling of awe over some life event or beautiful experience.) Belief never lasted long. As a I got older and better understood science and logic, I concluded that there is simply no evidence that a god exists.
I am still awed by the natural world, beautiful experiences, and deep feelings but I no longer attribute that feeling to a god. It’s only natural to feel awe in those instances, you know? There are still a great many things in the world that we don’t understand yet but there is no reason to believe that they are caused by a supernatural force.

When I was about 8, maybe 9, my mom found Jesus. She took me to church with her, which I enjoyed to a certain degree because it was a small black church (my mom is white) that had a real loving, close-knit, intimate atmosphere. The pastor wore jeans and his wife had tattoos, something you rarely saw on church-going people in the early 80s. I became friendly with their daughter who was about my age, so I had a friend to hang out with which made it even more fun. I don’t recall if I saw her as a girl, or just another kid, being that I hadn’t actually hit puberty yet…
I guess I was a believer in the beginning. I remember praying before going to sleep, so I must have believed. The thing was, even at that young age of 8, 9, 10 years old, I never really got the whole praying thing. It was explained to me as “talking to god in your head”, but it seemed weird that he never talked back.
One time a bunch of us kids were fooling around on the church piano, and someone was plucking out a recognizable jazz tune. The pastor walked over and abruptly shut the board down that covers the keys, telling us “that’s the Devil’s music”. Even at the age of 10 I knew that was utter nonsense. That may have been the first time I thought to myself “what these people believe is wack. I wonder what other crap they believe in”.
Fast forward a few years to about the age of 11 or 12, and I just didn’t see the point of it all. I still didn’t understand this praying stuff, and I just wanted to stay home on Sunday’s rather than go to a very boring and very long gathering of the same people every single week. My mother insists that I started to lose interest because we switched churches, or maybe a lot of the people that were there in the beginning were no longer there, but that only affected the social aspect for me. It didn’t affect my actual views on God, which were questionable at that point based on my own observations and thoughts.
The final nail in the coffin happened when I was about 14. I was reading some sort of art magazine which contained an article that had an Umberto Eco quote at the end:
“For without fear of the devil there is no need for God”
That struck me with such force, I knew from that moment on I was no longer a believer by any stretch of the imagination. It occurred to me in that brief instant that it was all a sham, a way to control people based on fear of reprisals in “the afterlife”. Do what we say, or when you die you will suffer the worst torments imaginable for all eternity! I knew in my heart I was a good person, so if there really was a God and he sent me to Hell despite being a good person simply because I didn’t get saved or whatever while still alive, then hey, fuck him, he’s a dick, and I don’t want to be with him anyway if that’s how he runs his house.
That was 25 years ago. As I got older and more mature, more knowledgeable about the world and life in general, the absurdity of religion became more and more apparent, to the point that if I were to today proclaim belief in a higher power, I would hope the people that love me encourage me to seek immediate psychological counseling – even to the point of committing myself to an institution, if necessary.

It wasn’t much of a journey, one day I just looked around and found myself already there. I’ve never believed or seen any value in doing so. My parents tried to get me to go to church (around the age of 8), that was a debacle. The journey was and has been more about self-discovery in different, connected, aspects: understanding why I didn’t/don’t/never believed, why I didn’t/don’t need to, why others feel they must, and where it fits (or ought fit) in society.
The first and second aspects are pretty much set and have been most all of my life, though every now and then I find a new piece or a different way of viewing/challenging them.
The third and fourth aspects continue to grow and both shape my views and be shaped by them. The path over the last decade or two seems to have become fairly clear (as much as any such path can be) and my philosophy on the third aspect has become defined enough where I now spend most of the time I give to the subject on the fourth aspect. Both still make for the occasional interesting debate and challenge.

My first day of Hebrew school was also my first step on the way to atheism.
When I was about 9 or 10, I was sent to an orthodox Hebrew school My first day was spent discussing how god made the earth in 7 days. I raised my hand and asked about the dinosaurs. The rabbi replied that the days were really long. That sounded pretty weak to me.

I became a “born again Christian” in my late teens. This must of went on for more years I like to admit interspersed with periods of indifference and rival when I really believed God was calling me back to the “fold” (Including Maher’s 2nd Symphony). Slowly but surely I became to realise how ridiculous the claims of Christians were. I still have some niggles which makes me am agnostic with atheistic leanings rather a true atheist. Sorry!

I was raised Catholic and had to go to Sunday school. Growing up I always asked a LOT of questions. I often got very poor answers to those questions or just because the bible says so. Weak. Eventually I was told to stop questioning the teacher which really pissed me off. As I grew older and learned more I left religion behind and considered myself atheist.
I called myself an atheist for a long time but then I realized it takes just as much faith to say there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING as it does to say there is a god. So I guess Id be more agnostic but I highly doubt the existence of a god.
Really now-a-days I consider myself a secular humanist. I dont really give two shits about religion and I think I should just live my life to the fullest, be a good person and be kind to others because it’s the right thing to do, not because something may be judging me.

I was never religious to begin with. I was always interested in science (still now to some degree), particularly in dinosaurs and space. I was primarily raised by my grandma who taught me some Buddhist values. So when I was introduced to the idea of God in third grade, I questioned it because it didn’t add up. Then in high school, I was introduced to Dawkins by a friend. Eventually, I went to Hitchens and it only reaffirmed my atheism. Plus I listened to a lot of Black Metal, some Punk and Napalm Death, which only made religion off putting.

I don’t think it was a journey – more an evolution or ongoing realization that religion tended not to be believable, and that god/belief was nothing more then self delusion.
I was raised conservative Jewish – went to synagogue, and so on. But when I got to my late teen years and into college and actually thought about things more maturely, it seemed that there was more fact to science and what I observed with my own eyes”, than what I had been taught in religious school *believe us but we have no proof.
Everything since – the last 30+ years – has confirmed that what I observe in real life is more believable than some amorphous “god said this” statement which unrepeatable and unprovable.
I’m not close to the idea of god, but I want to see something empirical.

I was raised in a family without native religion. We’d attend my Father’s Father’s church when we visited his parents, but we never attended any services at home, except for a period of a few weeks when the neighbor girl told us we should.
She’d asked me and my siblings which church we went to. Upon finding out we didn’t attend any, she said we should. Gullible as we were, we went to our parents to ask whey we didn’t go to church. They said we could go if we want. So we went for a few weeks. I think it really only took one week for us to know this wasn’t something we wanted to do, but you know, give it a chance.
I was eight then, and since then I’ve pretty much known the idea of God didn’t hold any water. Sometimes I thought I was an agnostic since, as a scientist, I couldn’t say there was no god, but mostly I’ve been an atheist. The incredibly slim chance there is a god is too small to be different from saying there is no god.
When I was 15, I wrote a paper on existentialism in which I came out as an atheist at the conclusion. My teacher gave me the highest mark in the class and told me I was too young to make this decision. But he was wrong. It has been a decision that has served me well all my life.

I started to have serious doubts when I realized that there actually is text in the bible that outlaws homosexuality. I am not gay, but that particular intolerance has always struck me as being un-Christian. Later, I read a book that made me question the ideas of divine revelation and prophecy, and the notion of a personal god who cares about its creations. As I found myself shifting my arguments in response, to hold onto a faith that could also be consistently logical, I realized that I did not have faith – and that if it couldn’t also be logical, I didn’t want it.

My parents raised my sister and me religiously neutrally, which I appreciate. Some might think that by not actively introducing religion into our lives they were actively introducing atheism, but I disagree. Their nonreligious parenting didn’t mean they were opposed to exposing us to religion, and in fact I went through a phase where I took great interest in our children’s Bible, and I had a good friend whose family was very religious, and I occasionally went to church events with them.
For a time, mainly because I was dealing with some bullying and needed comfort, I started believing in angels, and that there was an angel out there specifically looking after me.
I had my beliefs “confirmed” for me (I wasn’t much of a skeptic back then) when one winter night, I prayed that we would have a snow day the next day because I just couldn’t face my bullies for a day. But in a stroke of the kind of goodness that only children seem to be capable of, I added that I didn’t wish for anyone to get in a car accident or otherwise hurt due to the bad weather. It was the darndest thing, the next day was very cold, but not too snowy, and a pipe froze and burst in my elementary school, cancelling school just for us. That was all the proof I needed for a long time. I still think it was a pretty crazy coincidence.
I’m not sure what led me back to atheism exactly. I guess I just read a lot from both sides’ arguments as a teen and realized I was uncomfortable with “faith.” I had developed a more scientific, proof-oriented view of the world. I realized I had major problems with the concept of hell and the stipulations supposedly required to avoid it (namely that people who live good lives will still go to hell if they doubt Jesus). I realized that, although I had felt my prayer had been answered that one winter night long ago, there were many people with far greater problems than my bullying who prayed for help and just continued to be shit upon. Even I had had far greater problems since then (when I was ill) and had found myself driven to prayer again, yet the only help I ever received came from doctors.
I’m not convinced I’m right; that’s why I consider myself an agnostic atheist.

There are many factors that contributed to me becoming an agnostic atheist, mostly sparked by my realization of my homosexuality. I had a relatively uneventful Catholic upbringing. I didn’t reject Catholicism out of spite or rebelliousness. I rejected religion as a whole for many reasons. Some very similar to the above responses. Among them:
1) It didn’t make any sense how God could allow me to be homosexual, only to condemn it. The condemnation of it also doesn’t make any sense. No one can explain it beyond “God doesn’t like homosexuality.” That’s not a good enough explanation for me.
2) Hell doesn’t make sense. You can be punished infinitely for something finite done in your tiny life on earth?
3) The threat of Hell seemed behind much belief in Christianity. “Believe because if God does exist, then you’ll burn in hell and regret it!” So I should believe out of fear? It seemed like so many believers I knew boiled their arguments down to Pascal’s wager and that’s the worst reason to believe in God. They’d say atheists don’t have any morals. Why? Because we’re not afraid of burning in hell? So you only act righteously because you’re afraid of Hell?
4) There are so many religions in the world and each claims to be the right one and each refuses to see the world through the eyes of the other. No, you wouldn’t be a Christian if you had been born and raised by Muslims in Iraq. You’d be a Muslim and you’d be 100% convinced it was the correct religion.
5) Christianity loves to claim they have a better explanation for the origin of life, but their explanation really fails to explain early humans and the hundreds of millions of years before humans. It seems much more logical to me that the reason all that isn’t mentioned in the Bible is because the men who wrote the Bible didn’t know about it. And if they had, they would’ve included it.
6) The fact that there are endless interpretations of the Bible. Protestants simply can’t stomach the idea of transubstantiation. Too outlandish. And yet Noah putting every animal in existence on the ark and people turning into a pillar of salt is cold hard fact? Leviticus doesn’t apply to this day except for the parts about homosexuality? Too much picking and choosing and too much hypocrisy.
I could go on and on, but the point is: I think it’s possible that there is a higher power. But I think that this higher power, if it exists, is not any particular deity described by any particular religion. I believe that mysticism is the way to access this hypothetical higher power and human religions would have only touched on it, if that.

I went to Saturday School at my Synagogue and stuck it out through confirmation at age14.
I also went dutifully to services twice a year at the High Holy Days. I still do because a friend wants company and I enjoy the community
My family did scattershot Sabbath dinners, Seders and Hanakah. There seemed to be no rhyme or reason to it.
When I was married at 20, I did much the same with the family I married into. I loved the family, the large gatherings, the jokes and the food (particularly that food.) The rest seemed interesting but no more than that.
When I divorced my first husband I was 29 and perforce an atheist. I have never found a reason to change my mind, and I certainly looked hard enough, including rejoining a Synagogue fifteen years ago and then leaving several years ago because the winter driving trumped the pleasant times.

I thought about it and it didn’t make sense. I need empirical evidence or it’s all speculation to me. Over time I just decided there’s really only evidence of our physical universe.
I’ll adjust my beliefs if this changes.

I was born to a vaguely theist mother and ex-Catholic, Buddhist father.
Parents divorced, mother married vaguely theist stepfather who was related to UBERFUNDIES.
UBERFUNDIES seemed like the most awesome thing on the frakking planet, and I dedicated my life to UBERFUNDIEism for many many moons. Vaguely theist mother and vaguely theist stepfather sit on church pews and pretend to be UBERFUNDIES too.
After vaguely theist mother beats living shit out of me when I’m 21, I call cops. UBERFUNDIE church disagrees with my actions and I am shunned. I leave UBERFUNDIE church.
Tried to find another UBERFUNDIE church, none were UBERFUNDIE enough. I decide to study on my own for a while until I can find a new UBERFUNDIE home.
I found things in Bible I didn’t like, that I didn’t agree with, that didn’t make sense alongside my UBERFUNDIE upbringing. But if a little of the Bible is wrong, all of the Bible is wrong. That’s what the UBERFUNDIE church is all about! The whole Bible or none of it!
Then, if UBERFUNDIE church is wrong, and God is wrong, what or who is the REAL god?
What would make any god more real than any other? Except for evidence…
That’s what I need – evidence.
I don’t see evidence.
I’ll wait.
It’s not coming, is it?
I guess not.

I was raised in a very religious family. Three of my uncles are ministers in the church. I had questions about the things I read in the Bible from a very early age, but I was always told one of two things; I would understand it when I got older, and we don’t always understand the ways of God.
As I got older, I saw people around me actually feeling the presence of God, with tears and happy faces, but I never felt a thing. I tried “letting Jesus into my heart”, but nothing ever happened. I lived all the rules of the church, and wondered what was wrong with me for many, many years.
As an adult, I tried other churches. I asked one minister how to find faith and he invited me to Bible class. After a few sessions, he told me the other members had asked me to leave because “I didn’t have any faith”! I asked too many questions.
That finally made sense to me. I do not have any of the faith that it takes to believe in God so I quit trying. Some of the principles of behavior that religions teach make a lot of sense, and are worth living, so I do.

My familiy is non-religious… I was raised without any Religion apart of the society-thing… tradition and so on… and I never felt and still do not feel the need to believe in something… it just does not matter… it has no importance… and I feel good, fine, great… enjoying the one short life I have right now. Atheist… no… I am without any Religion. Totally.
I’ve never believed very strongly in God, though I was brought up ostensibly as a Christian. I used to wonder where God lived and when I was told it was high up in the blue sky it seemed far enough away not to matter.
My journey took me to the East, or at least to my local library, where, many years ago I first read Chinese Taoist writers and I have felt at home and at ease with their philosophy ever since.

I was raised as a Christian & attended church regularly. I did a lot of Bible reading & it began to wear on me the way women were treated in the Bible. It seemed there was a lot of God’s anger being expressed in the Old Testament & a lot of merciless killing going on. Then the story of Abraham being told to kill his son & he was willing to do it, & the book of Job, where God allows Satan to do whatever he wants to Job as long as he does not kill him – even though God was supposed to know already that Satan would not be able to break Job’s faith – but he destroyed Job’s entire family. Eventually, Job’s riches were re-established, but that did not bring back his family. Gradually, I found too many contradictions in what was supposed to be the Holy Book of the Bible. I could not make any logical connections for my faith. I found that the idea that a loving God allowing the innocent children in the third world countries to starve to death, did not fit my idea of a loving God. I tried for a long time to find something to hold on to where faith was concerned – but I finally become convinced that humans had invented God in order to try to explain things that they were unable to understand. To me, almost all religions are dangerous. It makes people think that OTHER religions are dangerous & it has led to a LOT of blood-shed & warfare. Religion has greatly contributed to the concept of hypocracy & racism, & the inability to see that all humans are interconnected. Science can relate, but religion cannot.

My mom was a born again Christian and I went to church with her often. My dad came sometimes. I went to church camp 2 years in a row. All that propaganda and I still began to question “my” religion when my reasoning skills improved.
Once I rejected the whole Judeo/Christian/Muslim thing I read up on Hinduism, Buddhism, Paganism, Wicca and what all this proved to me was that all religions are basically the same, with the same structure and purpose. I also realized everything I knew about religion was based on something a bunch of men people said. And if I know anything about people, these writings were all based on ego, expectations context and control. I try not to put too much focus on those things in my life.
So, I call myself an Atheist, because I am anti-theist. I know that science is what allows us to know what we know. But, I don’t think, by any means, that science knows all.
If I have faith in anything, it’s that science will eventually explain what is currently unknown. I know that there is no supernatural being(s) that is bringing an apocalypse or an eden.

I was raised Byzantine Catholic, and I read my Bible, went to Sunday school and church every week. I knelt by my bed and prayed every night, I said my rosary, I was terrified of Satan.
I started to question my faith at a young age, I was probably 10 or 11 when I started to feel that the pieces weren’t fitting together. Things didn’t make sense to me, and my questions were met by anger or scolding, and I was told not to ask questions like that. I couldn’t find the answers, and so it started to unravel for me and doubt crept in really quickly. I tried harder, I read my Bible more, I listened more carefully in church. I thought that I’d had a spiritual experience and I shared it with my Sunday school class. My teacher brushed it off as the imagination of a young child, not an actual religious experience, and I was pretty embarrassed. I felt rejected and frustrated, and I stopped trying so hard. I stopped going to church, I stopped praying. I didn’t not believe, yet, I just carried a lot of uncertainty and frustration.
A few years later, my 7 year old sister was sick all day. Something was strange about the way she cried, it was clear that something wasn’t right. In the evening, she had a seizure. I called 911, I gathered my other little siblings from neighbor’s houses. I remember watching her arm fall limp off of the side of the couch while my dad performed CPR. I went into the other room, knowing that she was dead, and I sat on the floor in the corner and I cried until the ambulance arrived. When they came and took her, I went out into the front yard and I was hit with a wave of desperation. I dropped down to my knees in the grass and I begged for God to show me that he was there, to answer the most important prayer of my life. My sister never came home. I definitely believe that is officially the day that my faith died.
I spent the next 5 or 6 years studying other religions. I experimented with spirituality, I wanted to find that comforting feeling that I’d felt as a child, when I really believed in something. Everything had holes in it, it was very difficult for me to have my questions answered. Nothing stuck. It took me a long time to admit to myself that I didn’t believe in any of it, but I found that when I did.. when I admitted it, and accepted it, that a huge weight felt lifted off of my shoulders. That was the peace I had been searching for.

Basically it was when science put a bug in my ear and evolution became a much clearer explanation to why we are here. Not an easy thing to accept when randomness becomes the main explanation of why I am here. But then I began to explore the human body particularly the senses of touch and feel. Through martial arts I learned about Chi and energy and began to be able to feel this energy around us. Once I was able to actually feel this energy it began to make total sense. We are essentially atoms held together by electric gravitational forces as is this computer in my lap as are you and everything in this universe. Once you begin to explore this universal energy force you can understand how it all ties together. We can choose to define this power as a God or accept the physical of our existence and attempt to union with the real God which is us. I am my energy and I am my God. I exist in physical form and I exist in the waves of my energy, Once you accept this a even possible you can begin to actually feel and interact with some very powerful energy forces. I never got any of this in Sunday school.
To be able to transfer the power of my existance directly to me other than a mythical God is very empowering plus I no longer have confession to get me off the hook…just the way I like it!

Raised Jewish. Somewhere between reform (liberal) and conservative. Parents not particularly religious, dad likely an atheist the whole time.
I became an atheist when I actually sat down and started reading the Bible for my bar Mitzvah. I realized the claims about God and reality in Genesis were little different than the claims made by ancient Greek mythology.
I think what might have set the doubt-seed was, earlier, at some point in my childhood, I heard the song “Imagine” and the lyric “and no religion, too” stuck with me—like I remember being surprised that this famous song was anti-religion, that this stance was considered culturally and intellectually acceptable.
Further study revealed the Bible to be a deeply immoral and sickening book (pro-slavery, pro-genocide, misogynist), so I guess you can say that’s why I’m not only an atheist but pretty confrontational about it. I think the Bible is fascinating though; religion in general fascinates me.

@FutureMemory: I am too lazy to see where you read that , but I would guess it is someone’s (misguided, of course) way of being cute about the term super-fundamentalist, which is itself hyperbolic (or uber-hyper).

UBERFUNDIES is my word. I grew up in a version of Christianity that spawned the Strychnine drinkers. Call me misguided all you want, but I was one of those people, and while I’m not proud of my former crazy, I’m not about to sugar-coat it for the purposes of politeness.

@Seek_Kolinahr Personally, I LIKE the term.
It is much more polite than the one I usually use that always seems to start out with a profanity.
Come to think of it, it usually ends with one too.

Ahh, ok. That term totally went over my head…I even googled it, to no avail ;)
Glad you got out of that scene, Seek.
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