I think a lot of people believe that the use of psychadelics and other mood changing drugs helps them access spiritual experiences. Since no one can be in anyone else’s head, there is little we can say about this. People experience what they experience. Can you generalize from your own experience? Can you generalize based on what other people say about their experiences?
I’d rather not. It is one thing to experience something. In is quite another to try to describe that experience. I have found that most people don’t even bother to try to describe spiritual experiences. They leap immediately to a synthetic level. “I felt God, man! It was awesome!”
That doesn’t help. God is an interpretive term. It is not a description of experience. And part of the problem with most spiritual experiences is that most people don’t have a clue how to describe them. Indeed, I don’t believe they are aware enough to remember what happened in any concrete way. So all they are left with in the end is an impression of awesomeness, and what better word for awesomeness is there than God?
I prefer my spiritual experiences without alcohol or shrooms or dope. For one thing, all those things require a long recovery time for me. I mean, it takes a day or two for me to get over all of them. My stomach hurts. My head feels woozy. My brain doesn’t think clearly. I just want to sleep. It’s just not worth it. In fact, in the last month or so, I realized I really don’t ever want to drink again. It tears up my stomach. Even one glass of wine creates big problems.
And pot, these days, makes me sleepy and unable to concentrate on anything. This is not helpful for me in attaining a spiritual experience. On the other hand, it does make me horny, which is spiritual.
I haven’t done shrooms in over 30 years. I remember standing on the room of a four story walk-up on the Upper West Side looking at all the beautiful lights of the city, and feeling it was so incredible and beautiful. I felt so open and connected. Of course, I also felt open and connected to Alyssa, but the only problem was she was not open and connected to me, so while I was totally in love with her, she wanted nothing to do with me. Not so spiritual, that.
I experience spirituality through dance and music, mostly. The purpose of the dance is to alter our state of consciousness in such a way that we open ourselves up to that sense of connectedness. It is my belief that dance was the original way to connect, before substances were found that could make us feel in a similar way.
I like the idea of working for that high. I like that it has no recovery period, at least mentally speaking. Sometimes you can hurt yourself physically. It just feels cleaner and there is none of that mental fuzziness. I feel all there when I get high like that, and I can choose to think however I want, which is something I can’t do under the influence of mind altering substances.
When I’m high on alcohol or drugs, I’m going along for the ride. There’s no stopping it. I can’t get off. It lasts as long as it lasts and if it goes bad, I’m screwed. But when I get high through dance or music, I can stop when I want, and it’s over. I can also start right back up again, if I want. I have options I don’t have while on drugs.
Drugs like alcohol help you along. You don’t have to engage in a practice. You can jump into the spiritual thing right away. No training. No practice. Boom. There you are. It makes it easy to get there.
But alcohol gives you know preparation and no practice for dealing with what you find. It throws you in the pool and you sink or swim, with very little control over what is going on. Indeed, if you misjudge it, you may find yourself without any control at all. Completely blacked out. No memory of what you did. Some people even seem to decide this is the goal of drinking. They skip the spiritual side entirely. It seems to be of no value.
But these are things you can train people to do. You can train people to manage alcohol. You can train them to identify the spiritual feelings and to work on enhancing them. It’s just easier to do that if they are not inebriated.
I think you find your experience is enhanced because that’s what alcohol does and you don’t really know any better. It’s like a grand adventure for you. It’s full of wonder (in the feelings you feel) but probably not a lot of context and therefore not a lot of meaning. This is not about spirituality so much as it is about your own relationship to yourself and your sense of and understanding of openness to things outside of you, and understanding that they are not really separate. Alcohol breaks down the barriers between you and outside of you, and you can intuitively feel that sense of connection, but whether you know its significance is another matter.