Social Question

Am I overreacting to be disappointed in my friend?
My friend is currently living in Mexico. She has been talking to me off and on for months about my husband and I meeting her and her husband for a vacation in February at several beach resorts in the Yucatan. Every time she brought it up, I responded enthusiastically that yes we would love to meet them.
Tonight, I was telling her my vacation plan for the coming week, because we are working on a project together. She then said, “Oh that reminds me. Ours are set for February. We will be gone Feb.2–13 on vacation with the Doohickeys in Acumel and Playa del Carmen (the very places we had talked about going).
After a stunned pause, I said, “I thought that Andy & I were meeting you in February for that trip.”
Another stunned pause on her side, and then a lot of backpedaling. “The Yucatan is so expensive.” “We’re just going to be hanging around. You could join us for part of the trip.” etc. ad nauseum until I ended the call.
Would you ever do that to someone? Is this as hurtful as I think it is? What was she thinking?