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filmfann's avatar

Is Sarah Palin's advice to Obama to "grow a big stick" sexist?

Asked by filmfann (52590points) September 13th, 2012


If he responded that she is just on the rag again, you know she would cry foul. Why does she think this is acceptable?
Do you?

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29 Answers

Sunny2's avatar

Consider the source. She’s a bit crude at best.

BhacSsylan's avatar

I think the blatant falsehoods in that hurt my brain far worse then the big stick comment. And half and half to the actual question. It is sexist, but it’s a sexist argument that’s applied more evenly between the genders then your proposed response.

Also, since one of the two is an excellent statesman and the other is a hack, I think it would look far worse for Obama to dip to her level, while at this point it’s just more of the same for Palin.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

She doesn’t even know how many American’s were killed and she’s being an ass? Pathetic.

SavoirFaire's avatar

I think this one might be best explained by Hanlon’s razor. In fact, that probably goes for most things Sarah Palin says.

Kayak8's avatar

In context, I am not sure that it is. She could just as easily mean “plant a tree.” So much of what she says is so stupid, I really can’t tell what she is talking about half the time (e.g., see Russia from her house, etc.). She is just a nitwit from my perspective. Not sure why or how she has deluded herself into thinking that any of us really care what she thinks about things . . .

Pandora's avatar

Yes it is sexists. All I can picture is Palin, Romney and Ryan all together under one roof and I just want to hurl. OOH, OOH! I feel dinner is on its way up. God you can scare children with that.

Kayak8's avatar

@SavoirFaire Boy, thanks for posting the link—I had never heard of that razor (I know about Occam’s Razor and, of course, Gillette), but your link was spot on!

Aethelflaed's avatar

Is Sarah Palin’s comment sexist? Yes.

Why does she think this is acceptable? Because Sarah Palin says sexist things, and buys into sexist ideologies and frameworks. Why wouldn’t she think it was acceptable?

Are telling a man to grow a big stick, and saying a woman’s just on the rag comparable? No. “Grow a big stick” is an insult because it states that Obama is lacking in both masculinity and male genitalia; he isn’t man enough. “She’s just on the rag” is dismissive because it states that the woman in question has an overabundance of femininity and female reproductive functions; she’s too woman. They are the exact opposite in terms of why they are insulting. They do both, however, agree that Being A Man is good and Being A Woman is bad.

gailcalled's avatar

I am alway fascinated at how she cannot hear how embarrassing that is.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Maybe, she needs a big stick herself.

Need-needs. If you know what I mean.

Coloma's avatar

Personally I find it amusing as hell. I like a woman that doesn’t mince words and think it boldly hilarious!
C’mon….quit pretending that politicians have to have some sort of saintly image. Give me a straight shooter any day of the week.
I admire her ballseyness. lol

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

It is a conundrum. Is she really that ignorant or is there another reason behind it? Maybe she just revels in being in the spotlight.

King_Pariah's avatar

I hear this and I immediately think back to Theodore Roosevelt’s quote (speak softly and carry a big stick and you will go far)... if she’s intelligent and/or mature enough to actually be referring to that quote is another matter.

gailcalled's avatar

@King_Pariah: To “grow a big stick” and to “carry a big stick” are very different. This woman was theoretically a heart-beat away from the presidency, which concept still makes my skin crawl.

Palin’s languaage was immature, unoriginal, and undignified, under the best of circumstances.

Roosevelt’s adage was practical, subtle and tactical.

King_Pariah's avatar

Meh, not here to debate, just pointing out another point of view that there may be more to it than “Obama needs to grow a pair.”

Aethelflaed's avatar

@King_Pariah She was referring to the quote, but also managed to replace the wisdom of the quote with sexism.

FutureMemory's avatar

Grow a big stick? Does she not realize he’s black…?

Coloma's avatar

^ Now there’s another unafraid comment. After all we are free to be PC, or not! lol

FutureMemory's avatar

It’s just her being a maverick, bless her heart.

abundantlife's avatar

What one can say about politicians. They are as stupid as their a.. Yeah of course it is sexist. If not she should clarify it.

Qingu's avatar

I don’t care whether or not it’s sexist. It’s part of the big lie that Obama is “apologizing for America.”

It’s a lie that has long been central to the Romney campaign. It seems designed entirely to appeal to the many Republican voters who believe Obama is a secret Muslim who hates America.

Who was it who said that if you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes true?

elbanditoroso's avatar

I think it is jealousy/

BhacSsylan's avatar

@Coloma We are all free to be PC or not. We are not free from criticism of that choice.

And also I would contest that she’s a ‘straight shooter’. She’s not. She lies through her teeth at nearly every opportunity, and the above is no different.

Dutchess_III's avatar

She’s a moron.

FutureMemory's avatar

Who was it who said that if you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes true?

Hitler’s propaganda man, Goebbels.

Aethelflaed's avatar

@FutureMemory Congrats on Godwining this thread.

Paradox25's avatar

Yes, it is not only a sexist comment, but it is also an insult. It is the typical ‘real man’ insult that many conservative women like to hurl at wimpy liberal men. Actually the comments that followed that article were even more ridiculous.

FutureMemory's avatar

@Aethelflaed It was Qingu actually that asked ”Who was it who said that if you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes true?” I didn’t give him credit in my post though.

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