Meta Question

Are you interested in being a Fluther moderator?
See bottom of question for instructions on how to nominate yourself.
Our volunteer mods are vital to keeping Fluther’s atmosphere pleasant… they maintain our standards, stop spam in its tracks, boot out the trolls, and calm the waters when the going gets rough. Honestly, we couldn’t do it without them!
Since my job as the community manager has recently reverted to a part-time quasi-volunteer position, we could use a little extra help on the team, and hope you’ll consider joining us. NOTE: Fluther is perfectly safe, no worries! There are no schedules, minimum time requirements or quotas to meet… you’d just mod when you’re already on the site. We’re looking for fair-minded, level-headed folks who rarely lose their cool. Good communication skills are very helpful, as is having a bit of a thick skin.
Training is thorough, and includes a written manual, two IM sessions with me for hands-on training, and a week of observation before acting as a mod. Perks include getting to know the awesome jellies on the mod team better, being able to see the infamous CIA thread in all its unaltered glory, and a free Fluther t-shirt!
If you’re interested in joining us, please nominate yourself by sending me a PM. Thanks for considering it, jellies!