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Dutchess_III's avatar

What kind of plant is this?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) September 15th, 2012

Looks kind of like lettuce or something, but it’s wild and growing on our land. Do you know what it is?

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16 Answers

Earthgirl's avatar

It looks like a sort of philodendron Maybe not of this variety but you can’t help but notice the similarity. Love those philodendrons, totally unkillable! They take tons of abuse and neglect.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Rain forest? This is Kansas, man!

BTW…the house plant philodendron…people always tell me how easy they are to grow. But I kill them every. Single. Time. I have plants that are older than my kids, but my most recent attempt at a philodendron is dying on the back deck. I think I pay too much attention to them.

Dutchess_III's avatar

The pic you sent is taking forEVER to load….but from the glimpses I’m getting it IS strikingly similar. The first thing that caught my attention was how BIG it was. How would a rainforest plant end up in Kansas?

Earthgirl's avatar

@Dutchess_III That has got to be the reason!! You kill them with kindness! Philodendron like neglect, lol. Let them dry out between waterings. Once the leaves start drooping if you water them, they spring right back. They are teflon!!!! I just watered mine and went away for a week. They looked all happy as pigs in shit today when I returned.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I know. I know!!

gondwanalon's avatar

It will be easier to I.D. when it produces a flower. Without a flower to go on, all that I can tell you is that it looks like an “LGJ” (little green job). Keep watching for it to generate a flower.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I hope I catch it if and when it flowers, and I’ll let you know @gondwanalon.

I want it to live. If it’s a philodendron my best bet would be to stomp on it and cuss at it and kick it, right @Earthgirl?

gailcalled's avatar

It is hard to anything but guess from the photo, but it looks too small to be philodendron to me.

I tend to think of philodendrons as indoor plants in Kansas.

And the leaves look different.

Are there any seed pods?

Can you mail the photo into your agricultural extension or to the Aggie school at Kansas State U? They will have experts who love to share their knowledge with lay people

Jeruba's avatar

There are all kinds of philodendrons, as you’ll see if you search Google images. Your leaves look like something we had growing in our yard that I think sprang from a ditched potted plant. I doubt that there’s going to be any flower.

gailcalled's avatar

Would it be sound advice to suggest that @Duchess III take a tiny nibble?

Jeruba's avatar

I don’t think so. Aren’t some of them poisonous?

gailcalled's avatar

I have occasionally tasted a microscopic bit from a plant that I though was edible. Best not to ask someone else to do it, I guess.

Here is sword-leaf lettuce

but the leaf is not shiny and does not have the white center vein that shows in your photo.

Check out crisp mint lettuce also.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’ll have my husband nibble it! :}~

gailcalled's avatar

That sounds like a plan. Is his will up-to-date?

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’ll make sure that it is!!

Earthgirl's avatar

Maybe it’s Taro. Check this out How big are the leaves?

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