Well, I always wanted kids, and when I had fertility problems I never took the step to adopt. At least I haven’t yet. I wanted to have our children, my husband and me, born from us. I also feel that if I had one of my own, and then adopted more later, I would love them all as my own, but for whatever reason in the reverse, adopt and then maybe have a natural happen by good luck, is not exactly the same. Other women I have talked to, and even once I read a magazine article, with women stating they feel the same way. For whatever reason, rational or not, the order matters to some of us if the family was a mix of adopted and biolgoical. But, it looks like if I ever am going to have a baby I will most likely have to adopt. I recently changed my mind about possible have an egg donor and my husband’s sperm, still not sure yet. I might never have children.
If I was able to have children I never would have considered adopting I don’t think. But, people vary so much on this topic. I think it is wonderful when people adopt, especially when the child is difficult to place.
I truly believe adoptive parents love the children as their own 99% of the time. They are their children. Even if you don’t share DNA, they have a piece of you, because you raise, them, you model for them, you are their parents. Yet still I have the desire to have my own biological children. I don’t care about being pregnant, some women care about that.
I have never been someone who wanted a mini me. I think if my child had different interests and hobbies it would be enthralling to see them excell and focus on something I never considered or never could do myself. But, their is a part of me that wants to see my husband in their face, or their hair, if they happen to look like me that would be cool too, but I don’t care much about it.
Kids to me does sort of gives me a feeling of continuing my line. An immortality of sorts.