General Question

janbb's avatar

Are urinary and bladder infections in dogs likely to be a recurrent problem?

Asked by janbb (63361points) September 16th, 2012

I am thinking of rescuing a Havanese. One of the dogs I am looking at is in foster care and has these problems. I want to know if that is indicative of ongoing problems. Also, does anyone have any general advice on Havanese? My impression is that they are a delightful breed.

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4 Answers

marinelife's avatar

According to this forum, it looks like these might be chronic problems with this brred. It appears that you have to be consistent in following up (it may take more than one antibiotic). Also, have the vet check for crystals in the urine.

janbb's avatar

Thanks – that sounds like it could be a problem then.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

From what I understand, once a dog (cat too, for that matter) has one bladder infection, they are more prone to them in the future and will likely need “healthy urinary tract” food, and possibly medication.

syz's avatar

It depends (amazing how often I open with that). If the UTI is because of a metabolic (crystals or stones) or conformational (hooded vulva) issue, then yes, it’ll likely be recurring.

It most cases, however, accurate diagnosis and thorough treatment will take care of the problem.

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