General Question

Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

When's a good time to start studying for the PSATs?

Asked by Aesthetic_Mess (7904points) September 16th, 2012

They are on October 20.

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4 Answers

Earthgirl's avatar

It’s not too soon to start now!
Here’s a guide to some of the best preparation guides with test questions. It really helped me with the SAT’s to use this. I don’t think I used it for the PSAT’s. In my high school these books were available in the guidance counselor’s office but I’m not sure how available they would be for you. They tend to be expensive so if your library or guidance counselor’s office has them it makes sense to avail yourself of the opportunity. You probably can’t check them out though. I remember having to use my study hall to go there.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Definately start sooner rather later. I was the poster child for irresponsibility on this, but these days everyone studies for them. Get on it as fast as you can.

JLeslie's avatar

Take a few practice tests, but I would not study very hard for the PSATs. They don’t really count. If you asked me about the SAT’s I would say take a course, study two to three months in advance and then review a few times in-between, and make sure you plan to take the SATs twice.

Buttonstc's avatar

Even tho the PSATS dont really count, they do give you a pretty good idea of where you stand and how much effort you’ll need to put into the SATS.

I don’t think it’s ever too early to start studying but more in an ongoing non pressurized way as opposed to trying to cram everything in a hurry.

A lot of students have problems with the huge lists of vocabulary words in the practice tests. The easiest way to tackle that is with smaller groups of Flash cards you make up for yourself each week ALL YEAR LONG. This is the best way to truly have confidence on the vocab section.

Trying to tackle large list in the few months prior can end up being potentially confusing as a lot of the unfamiliar words can end up being confused one for another because you’re trying to cram in too much.

Taking them in smaller batches on a weekly basis all throughout the year gives you the time to familiarize yourself with them and work them into your daily life as you go along.

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