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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Can you think of ten moments that changed history?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37771points) September 16th, 2012

Here’s a great list from an upcoming BBC series.

What would you add?

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10 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

None of those were on my list. I was thinking of a lot different events.
The Battle of the 300
WW I and the Middle East, primarily Arabia.
Henry Ford and mass production, etc i.e. the Industrial Revolution. for starters.

ragingloli's avatar

There are no such moments. Causality rules supreme.

filmfann's avatar

The Kennedy Assassination
No single event in this Nation’s history was such a game changer. It is impossible to know what course history would have taken had he lived, but it easy to follow his actions into avoiding Viet Nam, which changes everything.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I know of one for sure. The period from July 28, 1914 to December 25, 1991 which I believe will be referred to by future historians as World War One.

Sunny2's avatar

Off the top of my head and in no particular order:
Dropping the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Newton’s reaction to the apple falling on his head
The invention of numbers and the theories developed from their manipulations
The splitting of the atom
Thomas Edison’s invention of the phonograph
Salk’s development of the polio vaccine.
The printing press invention.
Pasteur’s various inspirations of how to tame disease carrying substances.
Franklin’s discoveries regarding electricity, which led to harnessing its power.
The invention of ice cream! Is there someone who got credit for that?

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

I would have to say the moment flight was achieved by the Wright Brothers.

The day the Soviet Union collapsed.

When AIDs was identified, and again when it was discovered in the non-gay population.

(It may not seem like it now) when Watson won Jeopardy in a landslide.

josie's avatar

Man landing on the moon. Duh!

dabbler's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central It turns out several people flew before the Wright Bros. including some French guys, a Brazilian and Gustav Whitehead in Connecticut.
“First in Flight” depends on arbitrary criteria and the Wright’s were the first to well document a flight that fit the criteria at the time for distance and altitude.
Gustav’s mistake was not having enough witnesses around and not trumpeting his successes.
The Wright’s were very aggressive businessmen and worked hard to trump up their documented claim and step on their predecessors and competitors.

The Wright’s estate even has a standing deal with the Smithsonian in Wash D.C. that there is to be no indication that others successfully flew before the Wright Brothers or the estate will take away the Wright’s aircraft and memorabilia that are on display there.

But I’ll agree that the development of flight was pretty important.

lookingglassx3's avatar

Not in any particular order (and not including religious stuff because it would be hard to narrow down)...

1. Man landing on the moon (thank you @josie , I actually forgot about that one :o)
2. The invention of the telephone (and other modern technology such as TVs, laptops, etc…so basically just the development of technology)
3. The invention of the car
4. The invention of photography, filming, etc (it’s hard to imagine that if movies didn’t exist then people like Justin Bieber and Kristen Stewart would be working in McDonald’s)
5. World War One
6. Terrorism attacks (9/11 is the only one that springs to mind but I know there are many more) – oh and connected to this the killing of terrorists, such as Bin Laden, and dictators like Gadaffi
7. World War Two
8. Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat for a white person (you go girl!)
9. Medical advancements, such as the discovery of penicillin, etc
10. Rebecca Black recording the song ‘Friday’...
Just kidding. I can’t actually think of another one :/ So I’m gonna go all fangirl and say Charlie Chaplin creating The Little Tramp character and becoming world-famous as a result… I know that’s debatable as to whether it changed the world or not but I couldn’t think of another one and it certainly changed my world. xD Hehehe…

AngryWhiteMale's avatar

Oh, a historian’s parlor game! So many possible answers. However, I’d add this one:

Thomas Newcomen’s invention, in 1712, of the first commercially successful steam engine. This was one of the earliest inventions in what we now know as the Industrial Revolution, a revolution that irrevocably changed our global history both for better and for worse. We have benefited from it in many ways (the invention of items such as washing machines, vaccuum cleaners, and other household contraptions radically changed women’s roles, for one thing), and suffered from it in others (the pollution that emanated from these inventions is contributing to our current climate woes, the repercussions of which could be terrifying and unimaginable). We have never been the same since.

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