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elbanditoroso's avatar

Are there any Woot users here? Are you as disappointed as I am?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33656points) September 20th, 2012

About two years ago, Amazon bought Woot. Nothing much changed in selection or pricing for about a year- maybe more. But recently – and in particular the last six months – the selection and pricing has taken a turn for the worse.

For example: pre-Amazon, there were a wide variety of price points—one day a cheap thing, the next day something in the hundreds, the next day something for $30—a good mix of high price and low price items.

Now, it seems that the products are overwhelmingly (maybe one exception every 10 days) in the hundred or multiple hundreds of dollars.

Further, it seems like the discounts / deals are far worse than they used to be. Instead of 80% off of a product, I’m seeing many more 20–30% off of retail. That’s no better than buying locally.

I’m not really dumping on Amazon – they bought Woot and they can squeeze all the profit out of it they want. But if their selection and pricing are no longer favorable, I also don’t need to buy from them.

Has anyone else seen this?

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2 Answers

gambitking's avatar

Yeah I’m a long-time wooter I agree with you. I also haven’t been too impressed with the woot-offs lately either. Something lackluster about them, whereas they used to be insane!

Buttonstc's avatar

Yeah, I’m disappointed in Woot also. But that’s what inevitably happens most of the time when a small business is bought out by a giant like Amazon.

The original motivating factor behind the startup has been replaced. It’s lost it’s “soul” for lack of a better term. We’ve seen it over and over.

Right now, the wacky T-shirts are about the only thing left that retain somewhat of the original spirit of Woot.

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