Where do you fit on this political scale?
My son took this test in his history class today. When you take the test where do you land on the scale? Were your results what you expected?
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32 Answers
I landed all the way to the left overall and on each of the three sub-catergories.
No “test” link, Ms. Mousie.
Just fixed it! Been a long day!
It says that I’m “very liberal,” which I know that I am not. I think it’s a little bit too narrow a line of questioning to have an accurate conclusion for everyone. I really don’t even consider myself “liberal,” let alone at the far end of the scale.
This is one of the worst tests of its kind that I’ve ever seen. There’s no room for nuance here at all. I’m going to bet that most people would land at one of the two extremes.
@DigitalBlue – beat me to it by mere seconds. :)
This is a horrible test, for the simple fact that the questions are too obvious, there aren’t enough of them, and it doesn’t allow for a fiscal conservative/social liberal or vice versa
I, of course, got almost to the far left of the spectrum, because I answered “mostly disagree” instead of “completely disagree” to one of them. But I knew exactly where it was going to land me from the start.
I’m off the scale to the right of fascist. HA! Not really. The test actually put me just slightly to the left of the “average Republican” (whatever that is).
I almost fell off the left edge. Proud Communist.
One of the things I thought was fun about it was how simplistic it was. It was pretty darned cut and dried!
I’m “very liberal”, no surprise. I do agree that it is far too simple a test to be very accurate, but it’s right about me anyway. ;)
Very liberal in all categories, which surprises me. I thought my answers were just common sense.
Socially – liberal. Economically – borderline conservative. Overall average democrat.
Actually, @Seek_Kolinahr, while I generally agree that it’s an overly simplistic test, the “fiscal conservative / social liberal” was exactly where I landed. I pegged out on the right on the “fiscal”, and pegged left on “social”.
But I don’t like the test for the reason that it assumes that government should be “doing something” in so many cases. That’s where I part company with all statist assumptions.
Rather simplistic but
Here’s a surprise,
Overall more liberal than a liberal Democrat.
On economic issues just above a liberal Democrat.
On social issues right at the end of the liberal scale.
BTW I am not and do not consider myself a Democrat.
Agewise I seem to be a 3 year old (no surprise there)
Evidently I am more woman the most (testes be damned).
What is to the left of Hispanic (Icelandic?).
I am almost as far a way from White Evangelical to be comfortable and feel safe.
And, I am way left of Obama.
What, is everyone to the left end of the scale? Frankly, I don’t think this place is all that liberal, and I am certainly not the most liberal here. And yet it is throwing us all way over there. I think there is something wrong with the test.
This test shows me on the left side of left. I am far more conservative than that.
I’m so liberal, I make Obama look like Kirk Cameron.
The questions were too simplistic and broad to make any sort of real accurate determination. I probably fit in what a Liberal is in European contexts more than what Americans perceive to be Socialist.
I seem to be an extremist: a Liberal Democrat. I’ve always thought of myself as a moderate independent. Hmm, I’ll have to rethink my views…Done! Still not voting in a Republican hegemony.
I’m an Independent. I come by it honestly. Both sides have their good and bad moments. No matter what test I take I’m always smack in the middle. Go figure.
I’m very liberal on social issues, an average democrat on economic issues.
So basically, what we have learned is that the scale has been so skewed by the right that even us moderates are labeled as extremist liberals. I guess in order to be a moderate you have to be just to the right of an old Reagan Republican.
Overall: A little left of “average democrat”
Economic Issues: A little left of 50%
Social Issues: Way left – “very liberal”
On all, I am either “leaning” or “certain” Obama.
Interestingly, on Economics, I am apparently an 18 to 29-year old, hispanic woman. Who knew?!
@cookieman: Was there a “culinary issues” section?
Very liberal.
When you click on the comparisons to different demographics, almost everyone is in the middle. You’d think, with all the talk about intense polarization and the need for politicians to pander to the more radical people in their party to win, there’d a wider range. Not to mention how exactly it is that Average Democrat is waaay to the left of even Blacks, and the Average Republican is even further waay to the right of even Whites?
I am pretty close to completely to the left in all three categories, and more liberal than a liberal democrat.
Around where I live, though, in the San Francisco Bay Area, I am considered mainstream.
Average Democrat, halfway between moderate and liberal. That’s exactly where I’d expect to be.
@CWOTUS “But I don’t like the test for the reason that it assumes that government should be “doing something” in so many cases.”
That was my big issue with the quiz. I had strong or somewhat strong opinions on all of the questions, but didn’t necessarily agree with the actual statement that they were put into.
It wasn’t able place me on the right or the left.
I’m an anarcho-syndicalist who believes in a theofascist monarchy, so I wound up on the bottom. ;-p.
So far to the left of the scale I’m hanging on by my fingertips.
The test just said I watch way too much Xena.
Didn’t notice this q a year and a half ago when it was posted, but the link is still good, and no surprise I ended up on the extreme left of the spectrum, so far left I would catch @downtide if his fingertips slipped.
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