Social Question

I am wondering if my fellow Flutherites realize the extent of the GMOs that are already in our food?
Just think about it, all of the vegetable oils that you buy (unless you have a source for organic vegetable oil) are made from Canola Oil that has been genetically modified to blow-up the stomachs of any insects foolish enough to try to eat them & most of these oils also contain Soy Oil that has also been genetically modified to do the same thing. These GMOs come directly thru & contaminate our bodies, causing food allergies & cancer & causes damage to our internal organs. And if the various animals that we eat (cattle, pigs, chickens, turkeys, & sheep) are fed grain that has been genetically modified, this also comes directly thru into our bodies & contaminates us. This affects the eggs that the chickens lay & if dairy cows are also fed grain that has been genetically modified, when we drink the milk that comes from these cows, the GMOs come thru & contaminates our bodies. The bread that we buy is made with genetically modified Canola Oil & Soy Oils, & a lot of the grains have also been genetically modified. There does not seem to be any way to escape these GMOs & science has shown (independent science studies because Monsanto & Dow Chemical have stated that it does not see any value in doing science studies) that the GMOs are causing cancer & stomach ailments & food allergies. The animals that are being fed these GMO grains are getting sick & are dying slowly (depending on the size of the animal). So the farmers & ranchers are selling these animals for slaughter & they go directly into our food chain.