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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What upcoming entertainment release are you anxiously awaiting?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37808points) September 21st, 2012

It could be a book release, a concert, a movie, play, or other entertainment extravaganza.

What are you eagerly anticipating?

Personally, I can’t wait to see Les Miserable.

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24 Answers

filmfann's avatar

Book: Sept 27: The Casual Vacancy by JK Rowling is released.

Movie: Dec 25: Quentin Tarantino’s “Django Unchained” is released.

tinyfaery's avatar

Just got Gaga tickets for January. In October we see the Shins and The Book of Mormon. And I’m anxiously awaiting Fringe to come back on.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

New season of Arrested Development
New season of Game of Thrones
GWAR show next month lol nvm. Stupid class schedule.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Movie: The Tripods It’s been in development by Disney for over three years. Why of why?

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t think I have ever anxiously awaited a movie, book, or concert. I get excited when a movie I like releases, like a Star Trek Movie, and I would love to see Shakira in concert, Tom Jones, Elton John, Adele (Adele mostly because my husband would love it), but it isn’t an anticipatory exctement. If it happens, if the opportunity presents itself, great.

I have to echo @tinyfaery‘s answer about Fringe though, I can’t wait!

And, I love to go back to MI and see a football game and my friends back at my university when I get a chance. I only get to about every 2–3 years, but each year I try to see if it will fit with our schedule. This year it won’t, so I will be thinking about going next year, looking at the schedule once it comes out and booking the hotel way in advance.

All travel I very anxiously await.

chyna's avatar

New season of Mad Men.

janbb's avatar

There isn’t anything I am culturally awaiting at the moment.

mazingerz88's avatar

The Lincoln movie from Spielberg! : )

NuclearWessels's avatar

Oct. 14: New season of The Walking Dead

Seaofclouds's avatar

Not exactly upcoming, but:
March 31, 2013: New season of Game of Thrones
Summer 2013: New season of True Blood (most likely will start after Game of Thrones ends)

Usually I would have a long list of books that are coming out for the series I am currently reading, but I’ve gotten a little bit behind in most of them, so I’m trying to get caught up still before the next books come out.

augustlan's avatar

Movie: The Hobbit, hopefully in December.
TV: New season of The Walking Dead.
Book: Stephen King’s sequel to The Shining, due out next year.

Buttonstc's avatar

The completion of the final season of Breaking Bad.

bookish1's avatar

My first thought upon reading this question was “I don’t anxiously await any entertainment release,” but I am very curious to see what the new Arrested Development episodes and movie will be like…

ucme's avatar

Django Unchained, a xmas release from Quentin, another reason to look forward to jesus’ birthday…...I mean crimbo.

Sunny2's avatar

I’m embarrassed to admit, the new season of “Survivor.” I keep hoping I’ll get over my attachment, but here I am, looking forward to it starting again.

zensky's avatar

I need another season of House.

Buttonstc's avatar


Actually it has started. First episode was earlier this week on Wed. They’re in the Phillipines.

I taped it but haven’t watched it yet. Sometimes they will rerun the first episode again. Keep an eye on the listings in your area.

ragingloli's avatar

Splinter Cell Black List and Hitman Absolution.

Berserker's avatar

Video game; The Walking Dead episode 4. Cmon why couldn’t they just release all five episodes at once? Stupid having to buy shit online these days.

Sunny2's avatar

@Buttonstc Thanks. Missed that. They run whole episodes on the internet. I’ll catch up.

yankeetooter's avatar

The Hobbit…part 1. Already planning to take off the Friday, so I can go see the midnight showing…

Oh, and someone just reminded me about Game of Thrones next spring…hooray!

susanc's avatar

They’re making a movie of Cloud Atlas, a delicious book I read a few years ago, and I want to see it NOW>

OpryLeigh's avatar

The new series of Heartland to come to the UK.
Anastacia’s new album
Les Miserables to come out in cinemas (December I believe!)

AngryWhiteMale's avatar

Like others, I’m not anxiously awaiting any entertainment event, but, again, like others, I’m looking forward to “The Hobbit” in December. I don’t often go to movies in the theaters, but that one will be a must-see on the silver screen.

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