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Dutchess_III's avatar

How do I re-size a picture?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) September 23rd, 2012

At one time I could right click and choose “resize.” That option is gone.
When I take it into Photobucket, the only resize option asks me to manually enter my numbers….

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7 Answers

chyna's avatar

Need to know, too. Following.

Jeruba's avatar

Do you mean on your computer’s hard drive or in an online storage site?

zensky's avatar

I use

I find it very user friendly and I am a complete idiot.

There is a terrific resize thingey, to use the technical term.

CuriousLoner's avatar

Don’t mean to hi-jack your question, but I was going to ask a similar one and was suggested here. I have tried paint program and one of the suggested ones however I can’t seem to get it to fit no matter how much I crop or shrink it. Any help please?

Dutchess_III's avatar

At some point, if you right click on the pic it’ll give you a “resize” option.

Dutchess_III's avatar

You guys..I just made it back to this question. I was pretty out of it when I posted it. OK, I downloaded Irfanview….but it hangs up my computer when I try to use it.

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