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Which do you value, the words people say, or the actions they do?

Asked by Shippy (10020points) September 24th, 2012

I have found that due to lots of cyber travel, and subsequent conversations, both on a simple level and on a deeper level words are basically cheap. Some sales people as we know are trained to use certain words, in order to gain a sale. We converse daily, sometimes within very important contexts. Like legal contexts, love contexts and friendship. The question then is, what if someone said a lot of words, that really did not require any action. Could you trust those words? Words like I love you? Or I care? Those I find can be quite abstract since really what action do they require? So in a way this relates to both daily life, and Internet life. A lot of people I know, say “I love you” when hanging up on the phone or saying goodbye. So words can also be bad habits?

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