What is the acceptable waiting time for someone you just met to call?
A few hours? A day? A week? And how do you feel if they never call?
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16 Answers
I never liked the idea of society dictating what is “acceptable. When someone exchanges telephone numbers, the communication leading up to that exchange should give some indication of the expectations between the parties involved. If someone gave you their number, call them when you feel is appropriate, based on the information that person gave you.
Whenever one feels comfortable and courageous enough to call the other. I feel like the “rules” are shit, if per say you met someone and enjoyed your date with him/her, don’t wait 2–3 days to call her just because you had read somewhere that that’s what is “acceptable”. Call that person whenever your feel like it, whether early or later.
Actually, I’m waiting for a guy to call me. I’ve been waiting for two days, should I just forget about him?
If you’ve only met him and haven’t been out, I’d follow @marinelife ‘s guideline. If he calls after that, don’t be available in the short term, but only set a date beyond the coming weekend. You don’t want him to think he can call you at the last minute.
Good Luck,
So what happened to women’s equality? I guess the rules say you can’t call him?
Well, if you’re going to play by the rules, then I guess you have to take what the rules give you. But I never felt that there was a manual to life. We make it up as we go along. And I say you do what you want. If you like this guy, then let him know. Talk to him. Maybe he likes you and maybe he doesn’t. Either way, you’ll find out if you talk to him. If you just wait and wait, you may never know for sure.
I don’t think you should sit around and wait for him. If he calls, great, if not, oh well. Things have a way of working out for the best if you just let them.
I also don’t think there is a certain time frame to call within but I do believe the longer someone takes, the less interested they are. I don’t buy into the “been busy” thing. People always have time for the things (and people) they care about.
@wundayatta: Maybe she doesn’t have his number.
I agree with @Ela. To me, “busy” is pretty lame as an excuse, because if we really want to, we can call someone when we’re sitting on the toilet if we have to, or waiting for water to boil.
IF we really want to, a quick two minute “I’m really busy but just wanted you to know I didn’t forget about you. I’ll call you this weekend” would be something one could say to communicate that they are still interested.
@jca there are ways of dealing with that. It might not be so simple as looking him up in the white pages, but then again, it might be.
@wundayatta: True, but to me, if he took her number and she hunts him down, what is she going to say when she calls him? “Why didn’t you call me?” If they traded numbers, then it’s 50/50 for each one. If he has hers and she doesn’t have his, and then finds him and calls, demanding to know what happened, it’s not off to a good start.
She’s not going to demand anything. She’s going to say she had a great time and would like to invite him to do something together.
@wundayatta: OK, but he knows what he thought of their time together, and he obviously does not feel the same way because if he did, he would be calling her. She’s “hunting him down” IMHO.
@jca you act like this stuff is set in stone. As if you can’t change someone’s mind by talking to them. Why is it that we teach our sons to go get what they want, but we teach our daughters to sit and wait for their prince to come?
I’m really surprised at your attitude, @jca. I don’t know. Somehow I thought you were more of a feminist than that. More pro-woman.
If she is hunting him down, I have no problem with that. I believe people should hunt down what they want. If the boy turns out to have a problem with it, they he’s not what she thought. But if her instinct about him is right, then she’ll be successful hunting him down. There is no point in second guessing. Go for it. What’s the worst that could happen? Well, maybe she’ll wait another decade or two before meeting someone who likes her.
@wundayatta: Actually, I think it would be a good question to ask on another Q. I am considering asking it to get others’ opinions on if they would do it and why or why not.
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