Social Question

LuckyGuy's avatar

Who do you think will get sued?

Asked by LuckyGuy (43882points) September 24th, 2012

Last week, a man jumped from a monorail and into the tiger cage at the Bronx zoo. See Reuters News report . He was injured by the fall as well as the tiger.
Since this is America, where anyone can sue anyone else for any reason – and find a lawyer willing to take the case on contingency, who do you will be the first person or agency to be sued?
We know it certainly wasn’t the nutjob’s fault. He just wanted to be “One with the Tiger.” So, whose fault was it, and how much will they have to pay?
This is in Social. (He says in a whisper voice.)

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15 Answers

ucme's avatar

The man, because the tiger may have a “nut” allergy.

LuckyGuy's avatar

^ I didn’t see that coming! :)

ucme's avatar

That’s what the tiger said.

Jeruba's avatar

Let’s see.

The man’s family, suing the zoo for (a) not making it impossible to jump from the monorail and (b) not preventing the man from making the jump.

The man, suing the zoo for not allowing him to complete his mission.

Animal rights activists, suing the zoo for allowing the tiger to be exposed to assaults by nut cases and the man for invading the tiger’s premises with intent to unite with the tiger against its will.

I hope someone represents the tiger.

gailcalled's avatar

^^^MIlo here; I can send him my high-priced lawyer, whom I keep on retainer.
I do really wonder.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

The zoo sues the nut job for jumping into the enclosure threatening the tiger, (he could have landed on it injuring it badly) and traumatizing the big cat, (he can no longer eat humans because of this ordeal). The zoo will pull a preemptive strike and get the whack job before he can launch his salvo of torts.

Pazza's avatar

The zoo sues the man for upsetting the tiger’s sleep pattern, the man sue’s the zoo for not giving him a induction, and they both sue the tiger for being bad tempered.

The tiger can’t pay up and gets life imprisonment without parole…......

God then sues Jesus for bad management and leaving his post.

Jesus counter-sues for God making his position untenable and for being ‘forsaken’.

The jury is currently out whilst the term ‘forsaken’ is defined.

ragingloli's avatar

Everyone gets sued.

wundayatta's avatar

The zoo, for not have a psychiatrist on staff to precertify all patrons.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I was thinking the nutjob’s parents might bear some responsibility. But we all know the lawyers will go after any target that has money. Maybe they will sue the school district where he grew up.

Pazza's avatar

I’d like to see the tiger representing himself (or herself) in court.
Maybe then the lawyers will abandon the case…...
And the courtroom altogether!

LuckyGuy's avatar

How about suing the iMonorail manufacturer for not providing escape-proof harnesses? Of course if they did, they’d be sued for providing escape-proof harnesses.

OK, bets are in. I give it 4 months before the “law” firm of Shyster and Shyster starts the case. Let’s see who wins.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Any lawyer worth his stripes is going to see that this is an impossible case to win. There would be some pretty cagey tactics to make a successful argument that the jumping was anything but voluntary. If a lawyer takes this case, he should be dis-barred.

On the other hand, if a good lawyer comes up with a great defense, the law firm might consider him a real keeper.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@LuckyGuy FOUR MONTHS, FOUR MONTHS!?! The paralegals were rifling the Shepard’s before the big cat spit him from its jaws. By the time the media showed the ink was dry on the 1st draft of the complaint. I would be surprised they did not have an attorney waiting in the ER to take his statement.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Hey, that’s about how long it took for Cinemark to be sued for the Aurora shooting by the orange haired nutcase. Source

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