Social Question

Pandora's avatar

What silly truth do you know?

Asked by Pandora (32523points) September 24th, 2012

I want to find silly things different races have in common. We know the basic. Sex is mostly agreeable when good. We all must be fed when hungry. Most of us enjoy having a roof over our heads I will start it off. But it got me wondering what silly things do we have in common.
Most people find busting bubbles on bubble wrap hard to resists no matter where what race you are.

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30 Answers

Pazza's avatar

I have a birth mark between my bum cheaks that looks like a skid mark….....
I can’t stop picking my head.
The fluff in my belly button is always black?......
I’m extremely judge mental

Oh, and I also like bursting bubble wrap…..

deni's avatar

I think everyone loves to pick their nose though not everyone will admit it. Same with peeing in the shower. Who doesnt do that, cause it just makes sense.

Pazza's avatar

@deni – Oh yes, peeing in the shower.
And I always put a couple of sheets of toilet paper down the pan first to stop the water splashing up….(both seem totally logical to me.)

Pazza's avatar

I forgot to mention my race…..

I’m third generation strawman from the yellow brick road dynasty.
Best mate’s Tin-man.
Wife’s called Dorothy. (I f@#kin hate the dog, but she already had it, it keeps rustin-up Tin-man’s leg, and I go through three bails a month re-stuffing my own!)

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Hitting glass with a hammer will break it.

Hitting your thumb with a hammer will bruise it.

Hitting on someone else at a party will get you a divorce.

ucme's avatar

Looking at the shit roll right after wiping our cracks….there I said it!

Pazza's avatar

@ucme – PMSL….
How else would we know if we’d wiped properly.
(as long as you don’t have a sly sniff aswel….)

ucme's avatar

I fancy a peanut butter sandwich all of a sudden.

Pazza's avatar

I know that turds are tapered at the end to stop your arse cheaks coming back together with a thump.

Coloma's avatar

If you leave the circle of light around my house after dark the odds are 4–1 that you will encounter either a rattlesnake, a mountain lion of a pack of coyotes. Do not leave the circle of light. lol

Pazza's avatar

I also know that to women, sex is like ironing.
They can’t really be arsed with the task, but once they’ve finished, they get an enormous sense of self satisfaction that they actually achieved something.

Berserker's avatar

Truth; I eat stuff off the floor.

Race; Barbarian.

Linda_Owl's avatar

Generally, if you take the time to wash your car – it will almost always, RAIN.

DWW25921's avatar

Elephants migrate tens of thousands of miles during their lifetimes.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I don’t think any truth is silly and there are no races, in the biological sense.

Berserker's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir Reminds me of this thing I heard before; there’s only one race, the human race. Can’t remember who said that. :/

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Symbeline Probably some crazy liberal who was being all PC ~

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Symbeline The quote about race is attributed to Gandhi.

Berserker's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Cool, thanks for pointing it out. :)

Adagio's avatar

If a piece of toast with butter and Marmite/jam/whatever falls off the kitchen bench onto the floor it will always land buttered side down, always.

Pandora's avatar

@Adagio LOL, so true and so sad.

ragingloli's avatar

9/11 was an inside Job.

Pazza's avatar

If you chase a spider into a glass, it will run in, and then instantly run out again.


Pandora's avatar

@Pazza That reminds me of flying water bugs. You can be clear across a room when someone tries to swat it and it will fly at your head.
Well at least it always happens that way with me. Nasty bugs hate me.
Oh, I just thought of one. At some point in most peoples life you will lay a nasty smelling fart and be the only one in the elevator to come out as a crowd walks in. LOL
Oh, and no one coming out of the elevator ever lets the innocent crowd know that they may not want to go in right now.

Coloma's avatar

Geese poop on average every 8 minutes.

Even though I live on 5 acres on a tiny dead end road with only one neighbor below me, and nothing but woodland across the road, it never fails, every time I am out running around my yard in my pj’s or other bag lady attire the ONE freaking neighbor goes by and sends me scurrying to hide behind the nearest tree. lol

cazzie's avatar

The works of Henry David Thoreau and Ralph W. Emmerson make more sense than any so-called ‘holy book’ ever worshiped.

CrayCray's avatar

I love smelling things, like anything at all. I’m addicted to smell, even my own B.O smells good. I try not to do it around other people though, I’m not even kidding…

Nullo's avatar

A given piece of equipment is least reliable when you need it most.

Coloma's avatar

I know that when I catch my staring for fifteen minutes at the cool shadow patterns my giant Mosomo bamboo caqsts on the barn door that the happy brownie is, indeed, the holy grail of awareness. lol

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