General Question

Jeruba's avatar

If I miss one of the upcoming presidential debates, where can I go to see it afterward?

Asked by Jeruba (56208points) September 25th, 2012

Let’s assume that I don’t have a recording device on a TV set but can follow directions on the Internet.

I’d hate to miss the first one, but I am supposed to attend a meeting on the evening of October 3rd at the same time as the debate.

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7 Answers

tedd's avatar

My guess is the important parts will be replayed ad-nausea in the days following the actual debate.

wonderingwhy's avatar

Here’s a site with the schedule. If you check the “Republican Primary Debate schedule” at the bottom you’ll see each debate has a link to watch the full video (looked like youtube links in parts at a glance). I suspect they’ll do the same for the Presidential debates. I would also guess all of the major news outlets will host “full-video” links.

I don’t know that site so can’t vouch for it, but now that I’ve seen it, I’d check if I missed one and wanted to catch up.

WestRiverrat's avatar

I am sure they will be posted to youtube by someone.

RareDenver's avatar

The New York Times put the first one on their YouTube channel,

Jeruba's avatar

Thank you all. I skipped the meeting to watch the October 3rd debate, but I’ll have a similar conflict next week and will use your good advice.

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