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15barcam's avatar

I think I have some sort of exercise/ eating disorder. Help?

Asked by 15barcam (759points) September 30th, 2012

It’s not the typical eating disorder that you are probably thinking of right now. I have this problem with eating when I’m bored. I know that doesn’t sound so terrible, but I eat A LOT when I’m bored, and I can’t stop! For example, here’s a list of what I ate in the last fifteen minutes: A king sized box of junior mints, a king sized almond joy, three ice cream sandwiches, and an entire Costco container of tomatoes. No matter how hard I try to stop eating I just don’t have the self control!
Now onto part two of my problem. I’ve always been really nervous about getting fat. I don’t have lots of curves or a great face, so all I really have is my athletic body, and I’m really scared to lose that. So with all the eating I’ve been doing, I exercise way more than I used to. I’m talking WAY more. This is my typical exercise after pigging out: Go for a two hour lap swim, then promptly go for a six mile run. After that, I usually go to the gym and do some weight training.
I’m just getting so tired all the time from all the exercise. And I don’t know what to do because my life is just one big jumble of eating and exercising. I don’t have time for friends or anything and I’m so stressed. AND I CAN’T STOP THE CYCLE, no matter how hard I try, without having some sort of panic attack! What should I do!

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