@ETpro – Don’t think we’ll ever be able to conclusively prove we are/were living in a singularity, in my mind, there is only one, and it is everything, the reason I use the term singularity is because I can’t get my head around distance.
The analogy I have in my head goes as follows.
Say you want to travel from A to B, and you give that distance a number say 1 meter.
Now, so far as I can tell, you can cut this into an infinite number of slices.
So you start to slice, and as you slice, you start to stack up the slices in a neat little pile, one on top of the other. Obviously, the stack never gets any higher, since every slice is infinitely thin. Now, if you wanted to travel along this distance from A to B, you would have to pass through each of the slices to get from one end to the other, but as you step from one slice to the next, to the next and so on, your not getting anywhere. So I can’t see how this universe has volume as we perceive it.
Now, some may argue that you can’t slice this distance into an infinite number, because you would stop at the planck length. Well fine, but how do we know for sure that the planck length has a length? Can we prove it? If the planck length is zero, so is everything else. Also since size is relative, if there was only one fundamental particle in the universe with planck length, how would you measure it? how big would it be? you would need something to compare it to, since all seems to be ‘one’ there can only be one cosmos, one reality with only a perceived volume.
In any case, I see space as a field of energy, and a particle as a vortex in that space, the most basic of these vortices as a torus, I see charge as one vortex spinning in one direction, and another spinning in the opposite, I see the particle zoo as ‘broken’ or ‘smashed’ vortices, as, as far as I am aware, these particles don’t last long, and I see radio waves as pressure waves traveling through this field.
Example of a pressure wave
Example of a torus vortex
In my mind, this explains both gravity and mass, gravity would be caused by a density variation in the field, where particles are pushed into lower densities of the spacial field, making the observable effect of gravity a push not a pull, mass is brought on by the gyroscopic effect because the energy spinning in the vortex resists any external forces which try and send it on a different path. Also the acceleration observed due to gravity, as any spacial density change would be a gradient.
It would also explain capillary action, why water is seemingly sucked up by a rag or paper towel, as the spaces between the fibers of the paper contain areas of slightly less dense space, the slightly higher density space outside the paper towel pushes the water up into this less dense space.
If a particle is indeed a vortex manifest from space, or the spacial energy field, or the ‘source field’ as I’ve recent heard it called, then there is no separation from the field and the particle they are one in the same as would all the other particles, hence ‘we are all one’.
(I could be wrong of course…....)
I think the only way to experience/observe the ‘one-ness’ of the universe would be to go on a trip of sorts. People have used psychedelics for millennia, more recently people are reporting that dimethylamylamine sends the ‘tripper’ to a place where they interact with entites and feel ‘one with the universe’, Jill Bolte Taylor did a TED talk to share her experience of ‘one-ness’ through a stroke, was she truly ‘one with all’ or was it just a side effect of the miss-firing of her brain? She doesn’t seem to think so. I guess we’ll never know unless we experience it for ourselves.
Anyway, that’s the universe according to Pazza (a mildly deranged mechanical engineer)