I’m not sure what credentials have to do with this discussion, but it doesn’t matter where I went to school, and frankly I wouldn’t be impressed with a degree from any Ivy League school.
Politics is about propaganda and ideology and wordsmithing. It is about money, most of all. It’s about making rules that help the people you care about most. If you’re really rich, you want the rules to help you get richer. If you’re an ordinary person, you just want to get a job and have things improve.
Research is complicated, and it is very political, a fact that drives academics nuts. For them, it is science. But for policy makers, it gives them a way to meet constituent needs and make money.
There are many ways to spin a story, and that includes research results as well. And if the results go against your ideology, then there are many ways to attack the research and poke holes in it.
We see this going on explicitly in the campaign, as the republicans are attacking pollsters as biased, the same as they attack the media as biased, even though studies show the media bias is towards the conservative point of view, especially, oddly enough, at NPR.
Now, suddenly, people are getting into the details of polling and weighting polls and whether you should weight according to registration, and it’s all about creating a perception that plays to people’s biases. And most importantly, it’s to give Romney supporters hope, because we know that if supporters think a candidate has lost, they won’t show at the polls—although this is not as much of a problem for Republicans as it is for Democrats.
Still, Obama has a significant lead, and if I were Republican, I would spend the rest of the campaign drowning my sorrows in beer, because Obama will be reelected. Romney has almost no chance of winning now. And nothing that can happen in the debates will change that. Indeed, there is no October surprise big enough to change that. It’s over.
Of course, I say that because I am spinning the facts like a politico. The truth is that the race is very close, and every Democrat needs to vote—as many times as possible. The voter ID law has been struck down. So now we can vote six times apiece, as per usual.
I’m kidding. I’m kidding.
The truth is that Romney’s answers won’t work. Obama was handed a horrible mess and it takes more than four years to fix it. We are seeing signs now that there is a turnaround. Reelect Obama and keep us on the path towards universal health insurance and a good economy. Keep us working for fair treatment for immigrants. Make sure the banks don’t get out of control again and steal billions from us. Only Obama can do that. Romney will open up the public coffers to the rich, and let them steal our shirts.
That’s the truth. But I wouldn’t take it to a bank, if I were you! ;-)