Social Question

Do you know of any movies that are about Halloween?
By that I mean, of course, in which a movie has Halloween as a main ’‘theme’’. The movie could take place on Halloween or around it, and/or feature something that has to do with Halloween as its main concept. But in what I’m looking for, it doesn’t really have to be that specific…
For example, the Halloween horror series take place on Halloween, although besides that, it doesn’t really have much to do with the holiday itself, (except for all that Samhain and b00g8man stuff) but it still counts. However, the movie Trick ‘r Treat is a lot more deeply rooted in the holiday itself and uses it as a primary basis for what it is.
So really, it can be any movie that has Halloween as a setting, or uses the holiday and its mythology/modern practices as a major element to it. It can be any genre too; horror, comedy, drama, a cartoon, whatever. (TV series also welcome, if any exist)
So what are some good Halloween movies? (bad ones, too)