Have you ever been grabbed by a porcupine?
I was at a festival at the Wolf Mountain Nature Center and a zoo had animals they brought with them. The porcupine was pretty mellow so I held my arm up to him. He grabbed my arm in his arms and looked right at me.Those are some claws and teeth. I never reccomend doing this but that was so so cool. I’d do it again in a sec.
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48 Answers
Hey – I’d go for a porcupine hug right about now. :-)
No, but I let a snake handler at a fair put a large boa constrictor around my neck and shoulders. It was an extraordinary sensation, and I wouldn’t have minded wearing the snake a bit longer, but others were waiting their turn.
DAWWWWWWWWWWW that sounds so cute O_O
I assumed that this story would have an unhappy ending!
@bookish1 If I offer my arm to a wild animal and get chomped I’m not going to blame anyone but me. This dude was really mellow.
Hah! Mellow? They look like rats to me, only bigger and stronger and with huge teeth. No thanks. I’m glad you still have the use of your arm.
@CWOTUS He pulled himself up on my arm and looked at me and the frigging teeth are huge. I can’t imagine the damage if he gets pissed. He and I are just hanging out, looking at each other and then the staff guys eyes got so so big.
I LOVE Porcupines! They make the funniest sounds! Lucky you! I have never gotten up close to one except in nature documentaries. Yes, they have some some serious beaver teeth. lol
@Coloma Oh yeah, this was up close and personal. He had both arms around mine. But we were both completely at ease with each other. It was so cool.
@janbb Just go wild with that sweetie.:)
No, but I did read a story about a man being attacked by a wombat! My rabbit mauling just doesn’t stack up to porcupines and wombats.
Nope but that sounds totally cute! I know porcupines use their needles, I guess if that’s what they’re called, for self defense…but they look all soft and fuzzy to me. :D
Bet you felt a big prick!
LOL, oh damn. All this time I thought we were talking about a possum (opossum, to those who don’t like the colloquial name).
No, I’ve never seen a porcupine up close. A possum, yes.
Trust @ucme to find a penis joke in it!
@CWOTUS They had an opussum too but he was sound asleep. Porky had big orange teeth. What causes that? And the claws are amazing. But this guy was so gentle.
I was merely referring to the inevitable prick from said porcupines quills.
If the dirty penguin wants to read more into it than that, well…..so be it!
We penguins are dirty birds indeed!
Except that moles aren’t really rodents (and the linked page you provided does not exist).
Other than that, though, bring on them naked mole rats!
Crap….well….link is defunct. You can access the article via a Google search and it will come up.
@CWOTUS True, but…naked mole “rats” are rats “rodents.” making rodent face at you now. lol
2 GAs just for being extra cute, then. And apparently correct; I really need get to dyslexia this into looked.
@Coloma: Have you ever seen a star nosed mole? Look for it on google image search. I am so creeped out by them that I don’t even dare provide you a link…
@bookish1 I have and they creep me out too. The only thing worse was the picture of a lamprey iin my bio book.
I think they are precious!
I love strange little rodenty things. haha
I save all sorts of things from the cats.
Once I had 3 or 4 recovering gophers and voles at the same time and I called the top of my fridge the RTU.
The Rodent trauma unit. lolol
@janbb: Eeep, lampreys… The stuff of nightmares!
@bookish1 There was a picture of one in the book and I could hardly stand to open it anywhere in fear!
I had never heard of lampreys. Now I want to know more. They certainly look like something out of an Alien movie.
@Bellatrix Some of our rivers have Lampreys but you rarely see them, they really do no harm if you don’t grab one. Sometimes you can feel one slither past you when you are wading.
Nothing like the giant sharks you guys have, I’ll take the Lampreys. lol
Lake Champlain has a lamprey population. They are so nasty.
I did a very, very quick search and read a bit on Wikipedia about them. It would seem they are very commonplace. For instance, they use to be found in the Thames – no idea if they still are. It would seem there are quite a few species that live in Australian waters. You live and learn! I will have to read more on these critters.
Sea Lampreys were not native to North America and the Great Lakes until ocean-going shipping reached there in (I think) the 1950s. They played hell with the salmon and trout in the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River, since the local fishes had no experience with or defense against such an aggressive predator / parasite.
What happened was that the freighters, who carried fresh water ballast from Europe (because it was just common practice to re-ballast the more or less empty ship – we were huge exporters then – with water from the European port where the cargo had just unloaded). The fresh water carried the lamprey and its young. When the ships were re-loaded in the Great Lakes, as they started to load cargo they would discharge the fresh water they had carried from Europe into the Lakes, and we started to learn about invasive species.
Nowadays, ships are generally required to discharge any freshwater ballast in the ocean and take in salt water. The salt water species introduced into lakes in this way generally can’t survive in the fresh water, and vice versa.
It was the way he looked at you, right?
Well…don’t wrap your penis in shaved carrots, Porkies go wild for carrots.lol
@Coloma Oh god that was good. Ok, no carrots on the nads.
^^^^ LOL,I’m in fine form this evening, and, I just escaped my goose skirt diving, those long necks. Up periscope! haha
“If you want to know if he loves you so,
It’s in his kiss.”
Okay, Porky can have my arm. I draw the line at sharing tongue.
@Shippy He had such beautiful soulful eyes and he was a gentleman.
He/she wouldn’t be attracted to you anyway, your teeth are not buck enough or orange enough. Well, maybe they are. haha
Bring on the carrots, the only way to seduce a porcupine.;-P
I hate that you got so up close and personal with that rodent. Bah..okay, Porcupine love is on my bucket list now. lol
@Adirondackwannabe But to keep things clear, you did grab him, as opposed to him grabbing you.
Ya do the porky pokey and you turn yourself around, that’s what it’s all about.
Seduced by a big quill, yep, temptation abounds.
@Shippy I made the first move, but I didn’t grab him. I let him control it.
@Coloma It was a stupid thing to do, but I loved every minute.
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