Social Question

Do you believe that some people can heal sickness in two minutes through the power of God?
I’ve been watching so called faith healers on youtube ; very convincing cures. They are done at malls or on street corners by ordinary looking and acting guys and the subjects really do get up out of wheelchairs, jump up and down and cry, I see kids’ blindness allegedly healed and they cry, people with chronic back or knee pain run up and down the street laughing. Do you believe healers exist or are jellies more of the “it’s just the power of suggestion” cut of cloth as the subjects remove arm and leg braces? They also show on youtube dozens of legs lengthening. This usually stops back pain in a few minutes. One healer on facebook said he is going to appear on the 700 Club. He is a past crack cocaine addict, his wife a past meth addict and now he travels all over the world allegedly healing strangers. What do you think of this?