In using Fluther, wonderful as it is, what topics do you absolutely avoid?
You know how it goes, you see a topic and you click on the “add” button…but what topics do you see the Add button for, and think something along the lines of “Hell no, I ain’t adding that!”
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24 Answers
Dreams/dream interpretation, dating/relationships (as most tend to be of the “does s/he like me?” or “validate my feelings” type), Tumblr, and all the other bland topics that seem to recur endlessly.
Isn’t this a very similar question to one that came up just a few weeks ago?
Oh, I generally don’t add topics any more. The feature used to be a lot easier to use and to search through. Now I generally do Fluther day-to-day and try to keep up the best I can. I don’t do a lot of topic-mining any more.
I’ll write on nearly any topic as the feeling grabs me; it’s some jellies that I try to avoid.
@Jeruba, you are right that they’re similar questions, but it’s likely that the OP wasn’t even a jelly at that time.
Questions about Flutter.
No, but for real, I stay away from relgious and personal topics, unless I havsome real insight from my past experiences.
Tech stuff about which I’m totally ignorant; so ignorant that I don’t even know what they’re talking about. I couldn’t understand enough to learn from the answers.
@Sunny2 Good job you know how to post answers on Fluther ain’t it!
Questions with the [NSFW] warning tag, for the most part. AndI tend to avoid questions that are outside of my competencies, unless the title’s intriguing. And sometimes I’ll see a question (especially on a controversial point) and know more or less how the responses are going to play out, and decide that I don’t have the energy to battle people who aren’t interested in hearing what I have to say.
@CWOTUS ( small world from seeing your great answer/s in this thread ), and you are correct, I don’t think I joined Fluther when the question referred to by Jaruba was posted. Have another GA for being a good sport.
One’s like “This boy doesn’t notice me, what am I doing wrong? With a lurve of 2.
I rarely answer the NSFW questions. I’m not squeamish. I just normally don’t care for them.
Like @Sunny2, I don’t answer the highly technical questions, since I have little knowledge along those lines.
I steer clear of most dating questions or ones about dreams. Unfortunately, the list could go on and on.
“What shall we do with the drunken sailor?”
Any spouse of an inebriated seaman should know very well how to sober up her sozzled partner, I can’t be doing with it.
Animals. Electronics. Economy. Stuff like that.
For the most part, almost none, unless it is a topic that I know too little about. I do usually avoid dream interpretation and sex related questions though.
The ones with no obvious solutions, the dividers, the ones that people simply CANNOT discuss without emotion vanquishing reason:
Homosexual marriage.
Socialized healthcare.
“Climate change.”
Drug legalization.
And one that doesn’t perfectly fit this category: C fucking E fucking O fucking pay!
I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR ONE MORE WORD on this subject from anyone that has no understanding of business, a related degree or position!
Fearing something that IS BEYOND YOUR COMPREHENSION (In this case the figures involved in executive compensation) is so totally predictable.
You don’t make as much, you resent that, we freaking get it.
It’s getting SO OLD!!
@Crashsequence2012 Your use of the shift key suggests that you are the one who makes those topics emotional and unable to be discussed (the only constant in all your failed conversations is you, after all). I’ve had rational discussions about each of those issues in my lifetime, though I’ve never seen you personally be rational about anything at all.
The issue of CEO pay is actually a good example of your inability to participate unemotionally in a conversation. In every discussion of the issue I’ve ever seen, no one has expressed the view that they resent other people making more money than they do. If that was the case, those same people should be ranting and raving about a lot more people.
What most people are against is not capitalism, but greed. There is a difference. It’s one thing to be wealthy. It’s another thing to use your wealth to buy the government and rig the system. I don’t want to deny anyone what they have earned, but in that way I am very different from the CEOs who bribe politicians into adopting policies designed to take my money for themselves at the expense of the nation’s (and world’s) economy.
Time for a little separation of corporation and state.
@Crashsequence2012 Since only children and trolls use caps lock (two words, by the way), I chose to give you a little credit and assume you were using (or abusing) the shift key. Thanks for confessing otherwise.
Can you tell me where I can take the Pedant and Child-Troll expert course?
Also, I’d be interested in how you came to have your expertise to decide what issues netizens are allowed to have tired of and what ones they are not.
@Crashsequence2012 I didn’t say you can’t be tired of these topics, I said you are the one making them tiresome by being the irrational person unwilling to understand what the other side is actually saying before responding. There’s no expert course needed to see how presumptuous, pretentious, and childish you are.
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