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jonsblond's avatar

Do you ever forget what it is you want when you finally have the means to get it?

Asked by jonsblond (44397points) October 10th, 2012

Has this happened to you? Example: You can think of several albums you would like to purchase but you don’t have the money, then the moment you finally have the extra money to spend you can’t remember what albums you wanted a few weeks back?

ugh…. why?

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9 Answers

Sunny2's avatar

Because it wasn’t that important in the first place.
Because you didn’t think it through.
Because you didn’t write it down (and if you had, you wouldn’t know where you left the list anyhow.)
Because your sub-conscious decided you were wrong. (You should have made other choices.)
So you could make the decisions all over again. (you might choose something entirely different)

Shippy's avatar

Because everyday there is something new and better! It’s called the marketing plot!

rooeytoo's avatar

I can’t recall a specific situation to relate but I have found in general, for me, the anticipation of an acquisition is often a lot more exciting than actually having the damned thing whatever it might be!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@jonsblond Give it a while. It gets worse. When you walk into the store and can’t remember why you’ll know what maturity is. :)

wonderingwhy's avatar

Not on as short a cycle as just a few weeks, particularly if I’m setting aside money specifically for it. Though when it comes to music I always give it another spin before deciding to buy and sometimes that does make me change my mind on what to purchase.

Your overall question could apply to a good portion of my working life. I started out with fairly specific amounts of money I wanted saved and a laundry list of things I was going to purchase in between. Somewhere along the way most of those stopped being goals, often, so subtly I didn’t even realize it until I found I could afford them and hadn’t even given them a second thought. They dropped off for different reasons, mostly because priorities and interests change with time and the moment. Some of them I just plain forgot about until I was faced with them again. But in every case they were, for me, excellent examples of why it’s so important to enjoy the journey and not worry about the destination.

Particular to your example, I’d chalk it up to a passing interest rather than a genuine desireā€¦ or just a woefully bad memory, you do remember who Jon is right? :) In any case, I keep a list for longer term interests. Of course then I forget the list and wind up with a dozen albums and a list no shorter than before my spree, but that’s its own issue.

wundayatta's avatar

I tend not to want things that I have to save up for. I pre-save for things, and then when a desire appears, I can buy them. But I’ve gotten into the habit of not wanting too much, so I don’t have a lot of shit. But if I did want things, I would have a lot more musical instruments. Also back yard furniture. But we can afford furniture, and I still don’t have it. It takes effort to acquire stuff, I guess.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Every month around pay day I treat myself to a few albums/songs from iTunes but I have had to start writing down the music that I want as I can never remember when pay day does come around!

Seaofclouds's avatar

This use to happen to me all the time with the new books in the series I am reading. Now I keep a list of the release dates for the new books in each series so that I can keep up with them all.

woodcutter's avatar

So many albums, so little time to remember them. I have tons of vinyl albums in Gram’s basement 2000 miles away that have been there for 18 years and I can barely remember any of what I have, but boy do I wish I cold get them back. It’d be like all new stuff again.

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