Social Question

rojo's avatar

Do you have a little idiosyncrasy that others might (or do) consider odd?

Asked by rojo (24182points) October 11th, 2012

Just wondering.
Mine – When I have a sandwich I like to have the two slices of bread to be sequential AND the adjacent sides have to be together AND the same direction so that the crusts line up.

Also, if I use butter or mayo or mustard, etc. it needs to be spread on both slices not just one.

Not that I will not eat one that does not meet this criteria, I just prefer it.

My wife just slaps hers together like its a Jenga puzzle or something.

Probably why I have to make my own sandwiches.

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19 Answers

janbb's avatar

@rojo You sound normal; your wife sounds idiosyncratic – at least to use OCD types!

I hang rubber bands on the bathroom doorknob which I always thought made sense until a firend pointed out that she thinks it’s very odd.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@rojo You have to do that with grilled cheese or the cheese gets out. I love a little freshly ground rosemary in my mayo on a sandwich.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I like to see the wall meet the carpet in my house, and basically detest disorganization and clutter, people think I’m a little odd sometimes.

Coloma's avatar

I’m rather eccentric as it is, naturally. The byproduct of a fast brain and highly creative mind. Infact my MBTI type the ENTP is known for their ingenuity and eccentricities. lol
I’m a total nature nut and just yesterday I think I kind of freaked out a friend I had over for lunch.

She is NOT a nature nut and is terrified of bugs.
We were sitting on my deck at the table finishing lunch when a giant Bumble Bee came bombing by and landed on the table. It was attracted to my home made lemonade and she looked at me like I was a freak when, instead of shooing it off ( I love bees and they are endangered ) I plucked a leaf from one of my bamboo plants on the deck and offered it a little saucer of lemonade of which it drank before flying off again.

I exclaimed ” Ooooh, lets see if it will drink some lemonade.” My friend just stared at me with a ” you’ve got to be kidding” look. Nope, not kidding. I think the weary traveler should have a little drink. haha

jerv's avatar

Too many to list, and it’s hard to tell which are due to Aspergers and which are just my basic personality. My OCD about many things (like your sandwich) is probably the former, but I’m pretty sure I would be quirky even if I were normal.

gailcalled's avatar

Milo here; In spite of all the free advice suggesting that I stop, I continue to let Gail eat from the table or kitchen counter and sleep in my bed and go out in the snow without her boots.

@janbb: Having spare rubber bands on any doorknob is a very good idea…until you need to use one and discover it is so old it crumbles in your hand. (I thought of you this AM when I found an odd sock that had been missing for three years.)

deni's avatar

I become extremely emotional over the moon sometimes. Most people I’m with when this happens think it’s funny, or cute, but a lot of people are definitely shocked by it. Often I will see the moon and instinctively let out a grunt….this is troubling when I’m in the passenger seat and the driver is startled, or just in general when someone is not expecting a shriek. I love space, and I love science, but I can’t pinpoint exactly why the moon brings so many emotions for me. I think it is symbolic to me of how amazing everything not only here on Earth it, but in our universe. It is so beautifully complex. That is why I cry over the moon.

wundayatta's avatar

I’m boring and can’t think of any idiosyncrasies. I wouldn’t be surprised if others could tell me what I’m missing. I’d love to know what people think are idiosyncrasies.

Then again, I’m a statistician, and I understand what variance is. Human behavior is hugely variable and I don’t know what standard you would need to apply to say to someone that this behavior or that one was idiosyncratic.

Nothing that anyone has listed so far sounds idiosyncratic to me. What am I missing?

YARNLADY's avatar

I click my nails together, sliding one under the other and making a click sound.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I also read obituaries of strangers and cry sometimes…a little morbid & odd, my mom just laughs at me but they are so sad sometimes.

ucme's avatar

i sUMti….....mEs &$£!!?! TyPE withhhh Mi _________ PhEEt :;@’’’’

augustlan's avatar

I sleep with a little piece of satin between my fingers. I used to sleep with the satin off my actual baby blanket, well into adulthood. Thought I’d kicked the habit for good until I happened upon the satin tag on the corner of our sheets. :/

I am just like you with the sandwich thing, too. Also: meats and cheeses must be layered. None of this a hunk of meat topped with cheese. Meat, cheese, meat, cheese, meat. That’s the only proper way!

Blondesjon's avatar

I cut myself when I’m happy.

DigitalBlue's avatar

@deni me too. Not joking. I get very emotional over the night sky, period, but the moon has definitely moved me to real tears.
I have to think before I answer this. I am a very quirky person, but I do actually have OCD, so I’d have to sift through my quirkiness and my actual disorder to come up with a good answer for this. I always think of it as being two different things, but I’m sure both are viewed in the same way by others, at least to a degree.

Compulsions – I flick exterior doorknobs 3 (usually, sometimes 13) times before turning them, I open public door handles with my wallet or my sleeve or anything that prevents my skin from touching them. I check windows, I tighten and loosen and retighten my blinds. I check my door locks a lot. I change my clothes 13 times (usually), although I most likely know and intend to wear the very first thing I had on. If I am going somewhere important, once I have gotten dressed (officially), I won’t allow myself to see my reflection in anything. No mirrors, no windows, no.. spoons. You get the idea. There are more, but, that’s probably plenty.

Quirks – I hate wearing shoes. Even the most comfortable shoes piss me off. I keep a fabric softener sheet in my pocket. I like towels to be folded into thirds, so that there aren’t rough edges on either side. I like iceberg lettuce in a big chunk or shredded, I’ll eat it if it is torn into normal pieces, but it isn’t my preference. Like most people (I imagine), I like symmetry. I like to line things up and make them even, that sort of thing has the potential to bug me. Oh, this one will probably irk a lot of booklovers: I love to open a new book so wide that I can hear the spine crackle. (Don’t worry, I don’t do that if I’m borrowing your book.) :)

woodcutter's avatar

To me it’s really bad ,if you save aluminum cans ,that you don’t at least bend them in the middle before tossing them in the bag. Don’t just throw it in there whole It’s soft aluminum dammit a girl can do this.

And I’m pretty sure it is a wiser use of space in a 39 gal bag. In addition when you don’t bend them, they seem to bounce out too much if you toss them. We don’t want any damn bouncing,

of the damn cans

we cool?

rojo's avatar

@woodcutter you do know that you have to crease them five (5) times on the diagonal and twist them down don’t you? You can’t just bend them in the middle for gods sake!

woodcutter's avatar

We talking about folding a flag or cans?

rojo's avatar

Cans. Flags are a much more involved process.

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