Honestly, I think people have a kind of fear of relationships going on inside. Yet, at the same time, they desperately want a relationship. So if you call it fwb, it’s a way of kind of finessing the issue of agreeing that you mean something to each other. You put a limit on it, and you have sex, and it doesn’t mean much, officially.
Of course, inside your body, something different is happening. Emotions—powerful emotions are being released, although your official understanding is overruling the other parts of your mind that understand what is going on.
Some people are able to overpower the subconscious mind and remain convinced it is nothing. But others eventually get sucked into the reality of it, and finally become willing to admit that there are deep feelings involved. Then it turns into a relationship, officially, but it was a relationship all along. You were just fooling yourself.
You probably wont’ agree with me, because you have a vested interest in believing you weren’t fooling yourself and that you were seeing things clearly in the harsh light of reality. I don’t buy it.
We have so many hangups about mushy issues like defining relationships. What is a boyfriend? What is love? When do you say, “I love you?”
I don’t think people trust their feelings. What is infatuation? What is “just sex?” So it’s easier to define things as nothing, and do what you do, and then there is no risk.
In reality, there is risk no matter what our stupid monkey minds think. Our holistic minds know, but they don’t seem to have a vote. The monkey mind talks a lot and takes over, convincing us we are safely fwb. But sometimes reality manages to subvert the monkey mind, and we come to realize that it really is a relationship, despite the fact that it is so creepy saying so.