General Question

playthebanjo's avatar

Which is more likely: Loch Ness Monster or Bigfoot?

Asked by playthebanjo (2957points) June 5th, 2008

or something else entirely? Chupacabra?

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27 Answers

brownlemur's avatar

More likely? Gigantopithecus.

monsoon's avatar

Loch Ness. We haven’t even discovered every species in the ocean (though the Loch Ness is traditionally a freshwater animal… meh).

brownlemur's avatar

Neither is likely. Do you know how much nutritional energy it would take to sustain a creature the magnitude of Nessie? Such nutrients are not available in Scotland’s most famous of lochs.

As for the ‘squatch, read this

PupnTaco's avatar

Neither. It’s a false choice.

monsoon's avatar

You guys are party poopers.

brownlemur's avatar

If party poopers = subscribes to the scientific method, then yes, I poop on this party.

monsoon's avatar

But the question wasn’t “Which is possible,” it was “Which is more likely.”

And I say the Loch Ness Monster.

PupnTaco's avatar

Which is more likely: a purple fairy shaped like an anaconda or twelve fire-retardant rhinoplasty specialists no taller than 3 inches?

wildflower's avatar

All I know is I saw a leprechaun in Blarney!

monsoon's avatar

Purple fairy shaped like an anaconda (but I don’t know what rhinoplasty is, so my answer is sort of biased).


Maybe all anacondas are are purple fairies made to look like anacondas… eh?

exek1's avatar

Loch ness

MisterBlueSky85's avatar

The link that jstrangham21 posted shows an alleged picture of the Loch Ness. That picture was famous because it was literally the ONLY photo that hasn’t been dismissed as a fake. I’ll link it again for gigglers: Nessie photo

Then Scotland’s top dinosaur expert figured out that what we’re seeing there is a pygmy elephant mostly underwater. The elephant was from a traveling circus. Here’s a link to the article: link

Now about Bigfoot. His creator died in 2002. link

Sorry, but both the Loch Ness Monster legend and the Bigfoot legend are false. If I had to pick which were more likely, though, I’d pick Bigfoot. It’s more plausible that a creature of his size would go practically unseen while wandering such a large area, and it’s almost impossible that a dinosaur could effectively hide in a lake roughly 20 sq miles in size. :-/

judochop's avatar

Sasquatch. I once had a run in with something of the sort.

rawpixels's avatar

Beware ManBearPig

wildflower's avatar

ManBearPig for sure! I’m serial!!

thebeadholder's avatar

I vote for gnomes. I am a descendant of a gnome!!!

kapuerajam's avatar

they are BOTH real you mean people who also don’t belive in Santa and the tooth fariy!!

exek1's avatar

there’s more evidence of Bigfoot.
to little evidence of lochness
Idk maybe both exist.

judochop's avatar

how can you believe in God but not Sasquatch or loch ness?

wildflower's avatar

Flying Spaghetti Monster FTW!

daryashee's avatar

i won’t answer that

daryashee's avatar

beause i don’t know

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