If you are straight, have you ever been to a gay bar or club?
What was your experience? Was it fun? Did you feel out of place? Did anyone hit on you? How did you handle it?
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32 Answers
I’ve gone a few times with my husband, sister (lesbian) and her girlfriend at the time. My husband got a lot of attention from several of the men there. We all had a great time and enjoyed ourselves.
Many years ago, in New Orleans, I went with a gay friend of mine (he was out of the closet in the 1980’s). Of course at first I felt uncomfortable. (I also felt uncomfortable the first time I went to a bar in an African-American neighborhood.)
After a few drinks, I relaxed. One guy tried to hit on me, I politely told him thanks, I didn’t swing that way.
I went to a gay house party once with my former room mate (a girl). Got hit on by my bank teller and she made out with two dudes at the same time.
Many moons ago when I lived in Southern Ca. It was fun, I didn’t feel uncomfortable but was very curious as to the scene. I was a babe in the big woods back then and the culture shock of L.A. was pretty enlightening. lol
I have always been a magnet for lesbian women, don’t ask me why, I have been solicited a LOT over the years. I am totally straight, I like men too much and the thought of a strap on just makes me collapse in laughter, sorry, no offense intended. haha
I went into a gay bar in the Castro with a bunch of friends, some staright and some gay, it was close to where we’d been playing softball. No one bothered us and we didn;t interact with any one else.
I met a group of straights and gays in another gay bar on Halloween, but then we migrated to a house in the Castro for a party. The gays ended up n the living room, the straights in a room in the back of the house. There weren’t any lesbians there. As it got late the boys started doing poppers in the front room and the kitchen, to the point a few of us got headaches, so we left.
And a bunch of us went onto a gay bar on Polk Street in San Francisco on Christmas Eve, One fairly drunk old gay man dressed as Santa’s elf came and hugged us all, and we bought him a drink. Then he kissed my friend Greg on the lips, and Greg just about fainted. Greg was in the closet then and didn’t know how to react.
So all in all, it can be fun but it’s not that fun, and it’s hard for a straight man to find a woman to talk to.
@Coloma Amyl Nitrate. See below from Wikipedia
Amyl nitrite is used medically as an antidote to cyanide poisoning,[2] but the term “poppers” refers specifically to recreational use. Amyl nitrite and several other alkyl nitrites, which are present in products such as air freshener, video head cleaner[3] and finger nail polish remover,[4] are often inhaled with the goal of enhancing sexual pleasure.[5] These products have also been part of the club culture from the 1970s disco scene to the 1980s and 1990s rave scene.[6] Poppers have a long history of use due to the rush of warm sensations and dizziness experienced when the vapours are inhaled.
@zenvelo Aaaah, okay. I knew people that did that in the 70’s.
I’ve been to a few and they were fun. I didn’t feel out of place because they looked like regular bars, except for one that had guys in speedos dancing on poles, but that was just funny.
Well..eat your hearts out gang. I live right across the road from a private property campground that hosts a gay Vespa scooter club party every April. Dozens of gay guys in speedos having Vespa races on their little pastel colored scooters. I wander over for a few drinks and to watch the action. lolol
I’m straight but was one of the officers in the Lesbian and Gay Allience in college. We used to joke that we were the 5% straight people in Laga- most of the officers except the president were straight. We went to several nightclubs, but I was only hit on twice. Once was at a club, but one was a friend but she was sure that I was actually. Who knows? She may have been right, but after she hit on me often I felt uncomfortable around her. I still was fine going out, just uneasy around her.
When I was a teenager, my girlfriend and I accidentally ended up in a gay bar. We didn’t get hit on. However, I couldn’t help but notice that there was a LOT more overt sexuality going on, right in front of everyone, than there is in a straight bar. At least the ones I went to.
Back when I worked for an organization that was pushing women’s rights, we would occasionally go to lesbian bars. About a third of the staff identified as lesbian, a third bi, and the rest het. For me it was mainly just to hang out, since I knew I wasn’t going to be picking anyone up. Actually, it was quite nice. Took the pressure off. I never picked anyone up at any bar, gay or straight, but at the lesbian bar, I didn’t have to feel bad going home alone, since there was never really a chance of going home any other way.
I’m pretty sure I’ve been in gay bars since many of my friends were gay, although not the bar-going types. I don’t remember them, though. No one ever hit on me in a bar, male or female.
Once someone hit on me at the YMCA. This was before the Village People. Indeed, it was my first day in New York City. I knew nothing. I politely declined and left the TV lounge, when he had asked if I wanted my cock sucked. I spent that night in my room, and the next day I found somewhere else to stay—with people I didn’t know (but who had gone to my college) in an apartment with tons of cats (I’m allergic). That experience, as much as any other in my life, taught me that I can do what is necessary to keep myself sheltered and safe.
Yes. I’ve been to a few with friends (gay couple). One place had a great Sunday brunch too. The other place, our friend was the bartender at.
Yeah – a friend of mine came out of the closet so we took him to an all male all nude stripclub. It was weird but I think that’s probably what all stripclubs are like. It was ok, he had a blast which was all we were after that night. I didn’t feel out of place, and yes I was hit on. I’m a big boy and I’m comfortable with my sexuality so that’s how I handled it.
A few times, it was fun. When it comes to drinking in bars I’m pretty laid back, a drink’s a drink, everyone’s just there to have a good time. The rare occasions when a guy would clearly be trying to hit on me were a little awkward just because I knew he hadn’t a chance. But I was never mean about it I just made it clear I wasn’t available. Either he’d move on or we’d keep chatting and frankly I’ve always thought it was pretty flattering.
When I was living in Johannesburg, my friends and I went to gay clubs exclusively. We had some gay friends, and that is how it started. After going there for a couple of years, we felt totally strange in regular clubs. I felt like a piece of meat on display.
In the gay clubs, everyone knew us and would come running over to greet us. Then we would find a table, laugh and visit, dance with everyone, and basically have a great time. No game-playing, vying for attention, jealousy or testosterone getting in the way. It was great! I learned to dance like a pro, and learned how to dress like a model. Ha-ha!
However, I have never been in a gay bar in the United States, so was just wondering . . .
Nope. When I went to clubs there weren’t too many gay bars or clubs. Never liked bars unless I went to grab a bite. But I did go to gay parties of friends where I was usually the only straight person there. I always had a blast. Straight parties could be a bit of a snooze fest.
A bit drunk, I accidentally went straight inside a gay massage sauna once. I feinted surprise then went straight back out. : )
Gay bars are fabulous for us straights!
In college, I loved dance clubs and went often to just dance it out on the floor. I couldn’t stand the straight dance clubs—I couldn’t get 5 minutes in before some drunk DC college guy came up and tried to hump me from behind like a three legged dog. It was beyond annoying and too much time was spent trying to get away from those guys. Just awful.
So, when I found one dance club geared for lesbians and another that was a gay dance club- I went often and never looked back. I still think all the gay dance clubs I went to were far-far-far better than any straight club. I could dance alone, or with others, and still felt like I had my space. I did get hit on by girls as well, but unlike at the straight clubs, my declines were respected—
Was invited to go to a gay dance club last month. I couldn’t go, but have a raincheck waiting!
While in College my roommate and I (both straight guys) were friends with an retired lady that ran the cigarette and magazine stand at the hotel where my roommate worked. The lady’s landlords were a gay couple that ran a gay restaurant and bar downtown. I use to go into their restaurant with a girlfriend and get preferential treatment. ( This was in the mid 1960’s. )
Yes. Several times. I had a great time.
I myself have not, as of yet.
When I was 18 and legal to drink in DC, but not my state, some friends and I went to a huge dance club called Tracks on ‘gay night’. I remember that the very first thing I saw on entering the bar was a gay couple kissing… first time I’d ever seen that. It was a little bit of a shock at the time, but I quickly got used to it. We had a good time. Since then, I don’t think I’ve been to a gay bar, but have had many gay friends in my life to drink with, in bars, restaurants, and the best place of all: my house.
@augustlan Tracks!! That’s one of the places I went regularly!
Haha, maybe we were there on the same night!
This is not a joke. I went to a gay bar, I met a girl, and spent many years with her. It changed things for me! That was my experience as a “straight” woman in a gay bar.
Yes I have, and it was a lot of fun! I went with a few others and we just danced the night away! The music was great too!
Not exactly. I once went into a regular club, but that one night it was filled with lesbians. This big woman came and danced with me and I thought nothing more of that, I love to dance, but she started to move a little too close for my taste, so I backed of a bit. Then she came over again and asked me if I was a lesbian, I said no and she just ran off in a second. It was fun.
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