Social Question

Jeruba's avatar

What do you suppose they're all saying to each other as they laugh and smile and shake hands after the debates?

Asked by Jeruba (56211points) October 16th, 2012

The candidates, their wives, their kids and aunts and uncles and cousins and all the other members of their supporting entourages: what sort of remarks are they making to the opposing camp as they greet one another on camera immediately after their debates? They can’t be thinking anything terribly friendly about the opposition, and yet for the benefit of the audience they all appear to be concentrating on looking delighted with present company.

Are they swapping jokes, commenting on the weather, complimenting one another’s attire and hairstyles, muttering empty inanities? Are they saying the same sorts of things you’d hear if you were close enough to the chorus in a village crowd scene at the opera?

Are their lines rehearsed?

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21 Answers

Coloma's avatar

Who knows, who cares?
It is impossible to even speculate short of a hidden microphone. ;-)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I would guess they’re being false politicians. I would guess they’re just throwing out platitudes to each other. But it would be funny if they’re making fat mother and other jokes to each other. As in Mitt, you’re mother is so fat when she sets around the house SHE SETS AROUND THE HOUSE.

josie's avatar

I am sure they are being polite. One way or the other, they are going to need each other in the future.

augustlan's avatar

I always picture the politicians themselves muttering insults under their breath, “I will crush you, you miserable fucking toad.” Then they turn to the wives, and say, “How lovely to see you!”

chyna's avatar

I imagine them like Chevy Chase in his movie “Christmas Vacation” shaking hands with the big wigs from China and he is saying things like “kiss my ass”, “kiss his ass” under his breath.

Coloma's avatar

Well really, what would you expect from a bunch of narcissistic sociopathic personalities anyway?
Lies, manipulation, character assassination. Note the double “ass”. lol
It’s all about impression management and they manage others impressions very well, as do all disturbed people.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@chyna We should have Chevy as moderator.

Coloma's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe I disagree, we should have Roseanne Roseanneadanna! lol

Sunny2's avatar

“You have spinach on your front tooth.”

dxs's avatar

For reasons that have escaped my memory, I was on the other day, and this came up:
Debate Smile“The forced smile that a person in a spotlighted position adopts in reaction to an opponent’s attack during a verbal spar as a way to save face in front of an audience and to keep the mood seemingly friendly.”

Sunny2's avatar

Oops. The question was for after the debate. Afterwards, they probably say, “200 bucks says I win.” Or “Watch your step, those stairs can trip you up.” Or, “I hope you cut your face shaving.”

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I also believe they’re being polite.

Some of the cynicism in this thread, like that of @Coloma, is astonishing.

Jeruba's avatar

When I read a question that I don’t care about or am not interested in, I move on. I don’t feel like I have to post a jab at the question. What is the point of that?

glacial's avatar

It doesn’t matter what they say; all they’re thinking is “mustn’t do this as I’m walking off stage…”

ucme's avatar

I think if you look behind the “theatre” of politics, there’s an air of mutual respect once they’re through “locking horns” with one another.
They’re most likely giving a warm, well balanced narrative on the pure silliness of media driven head to head conflicts.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Hello, who are you, and what have you done with @ucme?

ucme's avatar

I’ve just gotten in from walking the dawg in the pouring rain, I guess this sobered my thought process….....for the time being anyhow.

Buttonstc's avatar

Actually there are ways of getting pretty close to knowing with no hidden mic necessary.

I’m trying to remember precisely which program it was, but one of their guests was a skilled lip reader.

And, as to be expected, they were just making the typical “being nice” small talk. All very cordial. Nothing especially of note.

Buttonstc's avatar


LOL. Cute

BTW: slightly off topic but did you catch tonights (new not re-run) episode of South Park.

The Return of Butters—a native of Hawaii. Who knew?
If you missed it on TV, they usually have it available on their own site. I think you’ll get a kick out of it.

Jeruba's avatar

A real LOL for that reminder, @glacial. If that had been me, I’d still be cringing. And oh, my, how much more than four years older McCain’s young opponent looks now.

glacial's avatar

@Jeruba Ain’t that the truth.

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