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Unbroken's avatar

Has any one heard of spicy ice cream?

Asked by Unbroken (10754points) October 16th, 2012

Curious. Opposites can be complementary, would it work for ice cream and spice?

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22 Answers

Unbroken's avatar

@filmfann Haha. Sure does it taste good? Is there more?

iphigeneia's avatar

A place round here once sold chilli chocolate ice cream. If I were at all interested in that flavour I might have tried it, but it’s not really up my alley.

I tried ice cream flavoured by native pepperberries once, and that was quite nice, but not very spicy.

Can’t say it worked for Heston Blumenthal though:

Haleth's avatar

It sounds delicious! But also nauseating.

_Whitetigress's avatar

Ice-cream? Spicy? Nope have yet to have some!

However I have had my fair share of “Spiced Chocolate” Gelato.

I believe red chili powder was used for the spice with a hint of cinnamon to give it a recognizable flare. I don’t know it was super good is all I remember. Little Italy in San Diego is just full of gelato shops which you’ve reminded me, that I have to go there sometime this fall. I could be missing on out pumpkin spiced gelato!

dabbler's avatar

I’ve seen ice cream with bacon in it, but as a vegetarian I won’t be having any.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

I had cinnamon ice cream in a restaurant once. It was divine.

gailcalled's avatar

Google “weird flavor of ice cream” and you will find almost everything. At any garlic festival worth its salt, there will be garlic-flavored ice cream.

There was also, briefly (and mercifully), the Philadelphia Cheese-Steak flavored ice cream.

Sunny2's avatar

I’ve had ice cream flavored with cardamon. It was good, but not “I’ve gotta have more!” good. Also ginger, and green tea. . .eh, why bother.

wildpotato's avatar

I’ve had spicy ice cream at the Brooklyn chili festival, and I had the spiciest ice cream EVER a few weeks ago. It was small-batch chocolate ice cream made with ghost peppers. I figured that they’d just made it with the oil, but there turned out to be actual flakes in there too, and…wow. It was delicious, but I couldn’t eat more than a few bites, and I snarfed the entire lemon ricotta ice cream pint I got at the same time in order to cool my mouth off. And I love spicy food!

@gailcalled I got both of these at the Berkshire co-op, by the way, so consider yourself warned about the Chocolate/Ghost Pepper combo!

silky1's avatar

No No and No again. It sounds awful.

gailcalled's avatar

@wildpotato : I am heading to the Berkshire co-op sometime during the next few days, to pick up some magnesium drops for leg cramps. However, I will probably pass on the chocolate/pepper ice cream. What a waste of sugar, eggs, cream and vanilla.

Thanks for the heads-up. (The foliage is looking pretty pretty now, isn’t it. The swamp maples are scarlett this week.)

Unbroken's avatar

Thanks for the contributions. I enjoyed the variety of resources. Since I am a casein free ice cream lover I am living vicariously through you all. @gailcalled In the past I have said I wish I had tried every ice cream flavor before I gave it up. I now retract that statement @_Whitetigress the gelato sounds fabulous. Cardamom, cinnamon, ginger or chili powder all flavors I can imagine. I absolutely hope you find some nutmeg pumpkin gelato. @dabbler meat and ice cream. Hmm. Tough one to imagine. I think I will side with you on this one. Bacon can’t really make everything taste better.. but avocado can!
@wildpotato ghost peppers do sound extreme. I suppose I was trying to imagine something along the lines of a lemon drop pepper. Something vaguely sweet or chocolat

wildpotato's avatar

@gailcalled The lemon ricotta flavor is very good. I’ll have to hurry back up there before the trees turn brown – they seem to change color noticeably every day.

@rosehips I just remembered I’ve also had kulfi flavored ice cream from an awesome supermarket here in NYC called Fairway, which is more like the kind of spicy you meant, I think. It had lots of cardamom and rosewater flavor, and was quite good.

Unbroken's avatar

@wildpotato Thank you for the kulfi idea. I had never have heard of it before. Just on an off chance I looked up vegan kulfi and this is what I will be making. Fabulous. Officially happy.

wildpotato's avatar

@rosehips Thanks for that link – the recipe looks delicious! I’m officially adding ice-cream maker to my holiday list.

filmfann's avatar

Here is Curry Ice Cream. It is supposed to be quite spicy. You can also find Wasabi Ice Cream.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Not ice cream but I make jalapeƱo pineapple sorbet. Its amazing. :)

Unbroken's avatar

Jalapeno sorbet would be perfect for coconut ice cream. And yumm Wasabi? I am not certain it would taste good in cream

El_Cadejo's avatar

@rosehips I’ve had wasabi ice cream a couple times. Its ok for a couple spoonfuls but there is no way in hell I could go eating a bowl of it.

gailcalled's avatar

Here’s an interesting recipe from the 10/23/2012 NYT for peanut butter and pickle ice cream.

Unbroken's avatar

@uberbatman Too funny. I can imagine.

@gailcalled Wow can we say pregnant moment? Always hated pickles. Hope that never changes. Now peanut butter, yum.

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