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Unbroken's avatar

What is the easiest way to edit your Facebook?

Asked by Unbroken (10754points) October 20th, 2012

I am adding work people and don’t want them to access previous posts that were more personal. Is there an easy way to do that?

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8 Answers

Unbroken's avatar

I apologize. I made an error in the question title. ^edit your Facebook. I don’t see a way to edit it.

CWOTUS's avatar

Well, you’ll want to make up a special list of “Work” friends, and set security on that list to only view posts that you specifically permit to the “Work” list.

snowberry's avatar

I don’t know if this answers your question, but this is what I have posted on my FB page:

PLEASE DO THIS FOR ME .THANK YOU .To all my FB friends, I want to stay PRIVATELY connected with you. However, with the recent changes in FB, the public can now see activities on any wall. This happens when our friends hit “like” or “comment”, automatically, their friends would see our posts too. Unfortunately, we cannot change this setting by ourselves because Facebook has configured it this way.

So I need your help. Only you can do this for me. PLEASE place your mouse over my name above (do not click), a window will appear, now move the mouse on “FRIENDS” (also without clicking), then down to “Settings”, click here and a list will appear. REMOVE the CHECK on “COMMENTS & LIKE” by clicking on it. By doing this, my activity amongst my friends and my family will no longer become public. Many thanks! Paste this on your wall so your contacts would follow suit too, that is, if you care about your privacy! Thanks

You might want to create a facebook “Just for Work” and keep the other just for family/friends. Never the twain shall meet!

glacial's avatar

@snowberry That’s kind of a way to tell nosy people on your Facebook that they should pay closer attention to you… you can’t control whether other users pay attention to information in their newsfeeds. The approach your post takes probably reaches pnly the people who already kept what you would consider a respectful distance.

@CWOTUS‘s advice is the only thing that can be done to control what information others receive. But be aware that there are probably going to be gaps between what you put out there and what you want your work contacts to see. The safest things you can do are either (a) don’t add work contacts at all, or (b) don’t post anything you wouldn’t want your work contacts to see.

To preserve your own sanity, I would advise you to assume that your work contacts see everything. Then you never have to wonder if something leaked out.

lifeflame's avatar

I have a “work account” .. makes things so much easier, especially since I have students.

hearkat's avatar

I have a separate account for work colleagues and professional networking, and another for more personal and casual interactions. However, I created them before FB added the ability to customize one’s account and to set access on posts as a reaction to Google+ Circles.

First, you want to create groups of friends, based on how you foresee yourself limiting their access to your posts. Then you would need to go back through all your past posts and change the permissions on them by tapping the gear icon. This can be very time-consuming. Do this before you add any of your work colleagues to your Friends.

For future posts, you can set your Default permissions in the Privacy settings, since sometimes the mobile or device-specific Apps don’t let you change them at the time of posting. You can always go back and change them later. You also want to disable friend’s ability to tag you in posts, so that embarrassing photos don’t get attached to your profile.

Just realize that nothing you post to the Internet is really private. People can take screen-shots of your posts and show them to others.

Unbroken's avatar

thank you all. I do take care to minimize the inappropriateness of my content. However some personal opinions and just stuff I wouldn’t normally share with others at work makes it on to my profile. I was hoping not to have to go back and change everything individually. Some how blank everything out prior to the add of a work link and people. And then do the group thing later. Sometimes the easiest route doesn’t work out. I have considered creating a different account but would rather not.

gm_pansa1's avatar

The best way to edit facebook?????
hit the DELETE button. :D

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