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Building a site in "Google Sites?"?

Asked by metadog (381points) October 22nd, 2012

Hi! I have been asked to build a site in Google Sites. Lots of reasons why the client wants it there, not all of them very valid… what ever, I’m going to give it a shot. I have been playing around a bit and the system doesn’t seem very user friendly. It almost tries to make you design a bad site. That is not my way of doing things… if life gives you lemons, make lemonade and all that. So I am looking for good tutorials, documents, videos, what ever I can find to “learn up” on this. Google’s tutorials are ok, but not the best. Can you point me in some direction? I would even love to see some great examples of design using Google Sites.

Yes, I know Word Press would be better… or anything else for that matter… lemons, remember? I have lemons. Trying to make lemonaide…

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