Meta Question

janbb's avatar

What makes some days on Fluther so much more fun?

Asked by janbb (63319points) October 25th, 2012

And some days really boring. Today has been a delight. Your thoughts?

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28 Answers

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

For me, it’s one particular jelly who has the potential to make every day a hilarious day, whether we agree or disagree on whatever subject. He’s just hysterically funny and can always make Fluther fun.

JLeslie's avatar

So true. Some days are incredibly fun. Lately not so much. There are a few jellies who really make me laugh, that really helps. Also, it really depends on the questions asked. I love when we get some new question we have never seen before, something that causes an all new discussion even among our jellies who have been around for years.

Nullo's avatar

Depends on the questions and the answers. Serious questions get vicious in the replies if anybody steps out of line, and that’s never fun. Get too many of those going, and it’s a sad day in paradise.

Berserker's avatar

The Good
The laughs, the learning, the few good online friends/acquaintances. That’s what keeps me coming back. Although these days it’s slow on here, I enjoy the chit chats, the jokes, the more constructive discussions and getting to know people. It’s a good community, one unlike many others where this kind of stuff doesn’t really happen, or is limited by stupid ass rules. Here is a good place to just be yourself and not always have to be so serious. (I realize this isn’t what Fluther started out as, but it is what it is at the moment I guess)

The bad
As already mentioned, sometimes the more serious or heated debates make everything turn sour, and it’s really disheartening when someone you got along with previously completely ignores you forever if you happen to disagree with them once.

The Ugly
Sometimes I’m on here, and all of a sudden, wolves barge in my house out of nowhere and eat my family.

marinelife's avatar

Quick repartee? FLuther intrigue? Everyone on?

All of the above?

ucme's avatar

When it’s chilled out & any miserable, trouble stirring fucker is immediately stamped on with mahoosive hob nail boots.
Sometimes it’s like, “Whoa, what are you on man, calpol?”

Shippy's avatar

Yes! I agree. I came to Fluther today spinning, not very happy. I had the best laugh ever. I just appreciate being here so much.

JLeslie's avatar

I’m wondering which Q’s had the best laughs today? Make sure I saw them.

downtide's avatar

@JLeslie The best laugh I had today was @ucme causing @seek_kolinar to spit coffee all over her monitor in a Q by @Shippy.

Shippy's avatar

@downtide Whenever I am sad or down, or in a bad mood, I will refer to that answer!!!!!

jonsblond's avatar

It helps when it is active here. (Seems like a ghost town lately.)

marinelife's avatar

@downtide I second that (or third that after @Shippy)

wundayatta's avatar

I like it when someone tells me I gave them an excellent answer and they pm me to thank me for it. That happened today.

But that doesn’t last for long. Honestly, I can’t tell you what I really like. I know I like interesting questions, but I can’t predict which questions will be interesting.

Yesterday, I think we had two questions that asked us to be ridiculous. I really liked that. They don’t happen often any more.

Shippy's avatar

@wundayatta Ooh where are those? I missed them??

janbb's avatar

Some of us manage to be ridiculous without being asked. :-)

wundayatta's avatar

One was Are you dead?

Don’t remember the other now. I could have been making it up.

wundayatta's avatar

@janbb A librarian? Ridiculous?

Don’t be ridiculous!

Shippy's avatar

@wundayatta loll I so say that as well….

Blondesjon's avatar

The nudity.

blueiiznh's avatar

The phase of the moon.

Berserker's avatar


jca's avatar

The cameraderie.

The occasional person (usually a newbie it seems, and then they delete their profile) who asks a question and then gets defensive when people respond with their answers.

Learning facts and learning other’s experiences and opinions. Throwing out a situation (or seeing a situation thrown out) to get many answers from the Collective.

Sometimes, Fluther makes me feel warm and fuzzy!

jca's avatar

The Yarn Pocalypse.

Berserker's avatar


Nullo's avatar

Sometimes it’s not even enjoyment, but a sort of compulsion: there are questions to answer, I must answer questions because I’m on Fluther. Like eating potato chips.

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