General Question

flip193's avatar

Why do some people think every question is a joke?

Asked by flip193 (208points) June 5th, 2008 from iPhone
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71 Answers

twosolitudes's avatar

Because that is one reflection of their on-line persona. There may be some other topics they take seriously, but anything outside of those are fodder for their wit.

Skyrail's avatar

Welcome to the internet sadly. Infact. It happens in the real world, face to face, even sader :(

scamp's avatar

Some people have a good sense of humor, and some are just rude and want attention.

fabulous's avatar

I totally agree. I would have said the same. That is what I was trying to do with my question earlier Why does discrimination exist ?

flip193's avatar

that is exactly why I wrote this question because I was just in wonder to see who would take this seriously and the same for my other question ” has everyone welcomed two…... To fluther?”

Randy's avatar

Life should be about fun and enjoyment. You only get one life so why waste time not being happy. Just let people do their own thing. They’re just trying to make themselves happy.

Some people do make crude comments and jokes, but you shouldn’t let those get to you. Let those comments go in one ear and out the other. =)

wizard's avatar

Because some people like you enjoy asking questions like this.

trogdor_87's avatar

Why do some questions think every person is a joke?

scamp's avatar

@flip193 I don’t see anything about welcoming ‘two” on your list of questions.

flip193's avatar

that is because the fluther moderators just removed it and said that it is not a real question

wizard's avatar

I was gonna save the link so I can look at it whenever I need a good laugh.

Notreallyhere's avatar

Have you seen some of the questions here? The diserve that kind of answer.

scamp's avatar

Maybe they should do the same with this question. It looks like more of a rant to me.

Randy's avatar

Hahaha! Scamp, you read my mind! I woulda flagged a long time ago had I been at home on my mac.

Notreallyhere's avatar

Oh Wizard…you are gonna get it for this one

flip193's avatar

I love how this question showed the maturity level of everyone here.

Notreallyhere's avatar

Was this one directed to me or Wizard

flip193's avatar

It was directed to wizard and scamp and randy

scamp's avatar

Where did I leave my mini violin??

flip193's avatar

Grow up scamp you act like a 5 year old

Notreallyhere's avatar

Be careful or they’ll “flip” you


I just want attention. Somebody please love me.

wizard's avatar

Question, Why do some people think every question is a joke? Asked by flip193 (134) 47 minutes ago 21 responses | “Great Question” (0) Stop following Topics: question, people, joke. Answer, because we are used to answering Fluther questions, the rare questions that only appear on Fluther that makes you say “hey, this is a really well-thought question, maybe I’ll try better next time I ask a question” so when we see questions like this we can’t help but be ashamed.

Randy's avatar

@flip- look, I tried to put it into perspective for you with my first post. If you let people get to you, with witty jokes and comments, then you might as well get ready to be bothered by people all the time. Everyone has a comment, quote or thought on everything and because no one is the same cookie cutter duplicate, we all have different personalities.

Oh, and by the way, real smooth move telling scamp that she acts like a 5 year old. Way to pull off that “grown up” image.

Also, just because we’re so childish, triangle high five to my homies scamp and wizard! Hahaha!

Bri_L's avatar

Hmm. 10 questions you asked have to do with your iPhone. I am pretty sure scamp is mature enough to know how to work something she buys.

I think all your gaming has stunted your sense of humor. But, your question would have indicated an aversion to that anyway.

wizard's avatar

Randy says it as smooth as it can be said, flip.

scamp's avatar

Ha! What a laugh! You start a thread to whine because you, got a question removed and now I am the one who needs to grow up? How about you show me an example of what a grown up acts like?

Thank you Randy and Bri_L, my two knights in shining armor!!

flip193's avatar

whatever who cares I guess your right randy but your the only one that takes something serious unlike your ” homies”

Bri_L's avatar

drum roll . . . . . . .

eambos's avatar

Hey guys, lighten up on flipper. It’s really hard to spell correctly and use proper grammar when you’re busy insulting people.

wizard's avatar

Randy you would do yourself some good if, say some time away from here would be good, ay?

Bri_L's avatar

well you insulted everyone else, come on that’s hardly fair.

scamp's avatar

Anyone else feel the breeze from all the flags flipping?

wizard's avatar

Dang, I can’t good answer scamp for some reason but if I could…!!!

Randy's avatar

@wizard- time away? And miss out on all this action? Your just talking crazy now! ;)

wizard's avatar

Nah, I was just talking from the eyes of flip193’s perspective, you’re fine :)

flip193's avatar

I said that I am fine with randy what are you talking about??

wizard's avatar

(he seems to be after you)

eambos's avatar

Although he isn’t, doesn’t flip seem like one of our well loved friends from the past? Maybe the two can become friends and plot against all of us? Just a suggestion…

wizard's avatar

Ello puppet.

(not mod)

scamp's avatar

@Eambos there is a certain likeness, isn’t there?

Randy's avatar

Nnnooooooo! Flip, don’t go to the EVIL side!

Notreallyhere's avatar

Did I come back to late for the “I’m gonna make you regret you asked this question” party?

TheHaight's avatar

diss Scamp and you’re dissing me!!!!

This question is dumb. Go to the chat if you want to rant “flip”

Notreallyhere's avatar

cat fight!!!cat fight!!

eambos's avatar

No!!! Don’t tell him about the chat! That’s the safehouse!

thebeadholder's avatar

WOW…fairly new to Fluther. Seems like such a fun place with this question! Aren’t we all here just to have fun or possibly learn something? Down boys and girls….

Randy's avatar

For the most part, yes. =) just be careful when insulting people and follow the guide lines. You don’t want to poke at some dearly beloved jellies and stir up the waters when there is a whole fluther present.

Notreallyhere's avatar

or they will rip you a new… keyboard.

Bri_L's avatar

I think we need to try and remember, all together now…

If you don’t like a question ignore it.


Randy's avatar

Or flag it if it doesnt meet the guide lines for asking a question.

Bri_L's avatar

Righto Randy.

TheHaight's avatar

Randy rules!

Notreallyhere's avatar

Hey Wizard, let’s find another question to make fun of

wizard's avatar

Sounds fun.

Notreallyhere's avatar

Nobody has call me immature today yet

wizard's avatar

Immature little punk!


Ah. I do love fluther.

thebeadholder's avatar

I do like the dearly beloved jellies who like to have fun! The smart and witty jellies rock, too!

Notreallyhere's avatar

music to my ears…That’s what I needed to go out there and Fluther my ass off

DeezerQueue's avatar

For a new jelly, this can be one of the most intimidating factors involved. You ask a serious question or maybe even a not so serious question, and get answers that aren’t very helpful, but even some that come across as mean spirited. Unless you ask the person who posted the answer, though, you don’t really know what their motivation is. Some people are having bad days, some people might be having a rough patch in their life, and some people can just be mean.

I don’t think, however, that the way this thread deteriorated is what Fluther is supposed to be about. Personally I’m not fond of a gang mentality. The GA points that were awarded during the amount of verbal sparring that occurred here dilute and muddy the lurve system, making it unreliable.

In the end, though, it’s better to come to any site with no expectations of what will occur there, to come with an open mind and accept that people are different and will react differently and not always in the way that we hope or want. My guess is also that while the Fluther elders may not lose sleep over how this thread played out, they probably aren’t altogether happy with it, either. If the moderators saw fit to let the question stand, who are we as jellies to question that, and particularly in the fashion in which it was done.

The spirit of Fluther is one of cooperation, that we are a group that values individualism in the way that it brings diversity to the questions being asked.

Skyrail's avatar

@wizard that link represents exactly what I have, I do have a dust mite allergy, and I would ask the point of the link but this post is getting pretty pointless entirely.

flip193's avatar

Wow , I think this has the most responses in a question ever asked on fluther

eambos's avatar

WOW! You are ignorant. The most answered question was the original fluther story with over 550 posts.

flip193's avatar

what I meant to say is it is the most I have seen

Bri_L's avatar

I have never seen a post as high as 550. I need to find cooler posts

DeezerQueue's avatar

We need to start asking cooler questions.

Strauss's avatar

I am a big fan of the pun, and sometimes I get a smart-aleck attitude. I always think a laugh is a good thing, but I try not to derail with any wise-crack.

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