Ladies would you rather go on a shopping spree or get 1 very expensive designer purse?
If you had to choose between going shopping and getting a designer purse (high end designer) which would you rather do or keep? Both of them will be in the same value. Even if you had enough clothing, perfume, jewelry?
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36 Answers
I have absolutely zero use for a purse of any kind. I choose a shopping spree.
Dude, shopping spree all the way. I love to shop but I’m also a compulsive miser, which is a bad combination. I go and tease myself with all the things I want to buy and then I don’t buy them. Plus, I don’t even find designer purses all that attractive.
Shopping spree for me please. I barely ever use a purse and the ones I have definitely aren’t designer purses. I would much rather get other things.
I need clothes. Easy answer for me.
I think if I were faced with this forced choice I’d be tempted to choose the designer purse because it would get me out of the shopping trip after only one stop. Then I’d probably give it to somebody who didn’t think it was ugly.
Now, a gift certificate to books—that’d be a different story.
Shopping spree. Although I do have one type of purse I have long coveted, but do not want to spend the money for.
Depends on how much money it is. Typically I would say shopping spree. But, if it were a $10k Hermes bag I probably would take that instead. $10k of clothes would seem very excessive for me considering I am not working. Actually, $10k is a crazy amount of money for me to spend on any type of shopping for clothes, handbag, even furniture. LOL. If it were a much lower amount of money I would say the shopping spree.
It depends on the designer purse. I was about to answer automatically that I’d prefer the spree… but it’s true that a truly well-crafted and beautiful bag can be seductive.
I used to love Armani but styles today are just not to my taste. So definitely not the designer purse but probably not the shopping spree either. I would hang onto the cash until I saw something that I really wanted. But extravagance is just not my thing, although I might buy a band saw, I really want one.
Neither. Just give me the cash, please!
shopping spree at the designer purse outlet?
Spree! Spree! that’s for me! I don’t need no stinkin’ purse. I do need new underwear, among other things.
I am not a shopper, I do prefer finer things but when the shopping mood hits I always look for a bargain. To me it’s textures, movement, drape factor, or classic lines and simplicity, or function not brand. Maybe all of the above. I still get compliments from random strangers on the 4 dollar arm bag I got from nordstrom’s 2 years ago. Or the five dollar a line hippie dress from a street fair the same summer. I do like complex scents though I can usually stay within a forty to fifty dollar range. A brand name purse would not fit into my closet well.
Looking in the <$1,000 range, I’d go for the purse, if there was one that I liked. Something sturdy, big enough for my books and laptop, real leather, nice colour. I’d use it every day.
But any more than that on a bag is too much. On the other hand, I’ve always wanted to have a costume wardrobe. That shopping spree would be put to very good use.
@iphigeneia – I picked up a gorgeous leather laptop bag, messenger type, on ebay for $25! I love it.
I have so many clothes and accessories that they don’t fit into my closet and storage spaces. I would say I’ll take the purse.
I don’t like to carry a purse, and I am completely baffled by the prices some people pay in order to be a walking advertisement for a “designer” brand name. The items with the logo plastered all over are just hideous to me. So my choice is a shopping spree. I am usually looking to enhance my work wardrobe. Some items are starting to show their age.
I love clothes and I could never justify spending a big chunk of cash on a handbag. I appreciate the quality and all but it is after all just a bag to hold your stuff in, not a temple for your money. I also hate purses, shoes and watches as status symbols. I almost always buy things off price. I love getting a bargain. I love shopping too. It’s like a treasure hunt for me!
@Jeruba I buy my books off price as well! I have plenty of those too.
Shopping spree, for essential oils. I care less for purses.
I hate shopping and I make my own purses. I don’t know if I like my options. I just want the money. I couldn’t possibly justify spending a huge amount of money on a bag, or on myself, period.
I’d take the money and randomly give it to the less fortunate, or donate it all to a charity. Or the designer bag if that is not an option, I am a woman after all. :)
When I say shopping spree, I mean that I would take my whole family to the store for much needed school clothes, underwear, shoes, sleep wear and everything else the 10 of us have been doing without during these trying economic times.
Considering I don’t even use purses, I suppose I’d have to go with the shopping spree.
I do need a new computer and textbooks after all.
I haven’t yet read anyone else’s response because I already know my answer. I have no need or desire for designer anything. I carry around a giant diaper bag (it’s black and made by Jeep for Dads) because it can carry everything I need from water bottles to emergency medical supplies (for Dad and brother who have heart conditions) to books and snacks and even extra clothing (because I house sit a lot). It’s big! It’s great because it’s not only huge, it has lots of zippered compartments so I can keep track of everything. The shopping spree would be much better, but again, I’d be happy and satisfied if that money were spent in a thrift store, so that I could quintuple the amount of clothes that I could buy! I’m a thrifty, but savvy shopper. Designer labels mean nothing to anyone and the prices are a joke. Better to be conscious of what I actually need.
I forgot to add that the coolest feminine purse (meaning not a diaper bag) I ever bought was at a thrift store. It was a 60’s era vintage silver purse with inlaid “mod” shapes with silver glitter. I think it set me back $3. I also have a very nifty pink wicker purse with a plastic lid and molded twisted plastic handle, from the 1950’s with pink French poodles painted on the lid. I would never, ever spend more than $5 for a purse!
@Kardamom I can identify so much. I used to be the designer queen. What a waste I gave most of it away to homeless people on my last clean out. Will never waste money like that again. :)
I would rather go on a spree so I can buy things that I actually want/need.
Let’s say if the purse was 3,000$ and someone was giving it to you for free… It was a designer purse, High end designer, that you know you could never afford or splurge on your own… Would you rather get the high end designer purse or spend 3,000$ on a shopping spree on clothing, jewelry, perfume, etc?
What if the designer purse was only 400? Would you get the designer purse or spend 400$ at a mall somewhere?
Thoughts? Thanks for everyone’s answers.
My answer wouldn’t change, regardless of the pricetag. Only if it was the perfect purse, would I opt to keep the bag.
There is no longer ‘room’ in my cupboard for a designer purse. A purse is a purse, is a purse.
Actually I hate purses, I would rather have a backpack and keep my hands free or else cargo pants! They may not be particularly feminine but I LOVE all those pockets!
@rooeytoo Actually I happen to think cargo pants have the capacity to look sexy if they a good fit, and depending on activity level very handy, now i probably wouldn’t put nail clippers or a file in cargo pants or compact or lipstick, but if I am completely honest with myself I rarely put makeup in my purse and less often do I use it.
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