General Question

ragingloli's avatar

Are 'heroin' and 'heroine' pronounced differently? If so, how?

Asked by ragingloli (52329points) October 31st, 2012

What it says on the box.

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23 Answers

livelaughlove21's avatar

They’re pronounced the same way.

janbb's avatar

I pronounce them “heh-ro-in” and “hee-ro-in.”

SpatzieLover's avatar


He-row-in (Think of Hero, now add the in)

gailcalled's avatar

I pronounce them both the same.

HEH ro in.

marinelife's avatar

I am with @gailcalled, which according to the little speaker on Merriam Webster is correct.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I pronounce them the same. Like @gailcalled and @marinelife

Seek's avatar

I tend to pronounce them the same, unless I’m really thinking about it, in which case “heroine” becomes “HEE-ro-in”

Jeruba's avatar

I pronounce them the same. “Her” as in “heron.”

DominicX's avatar

For me, they are homophones, both pronounced /‘hɛr oʊ ɪn/

glacial's avatar

Wow. I have never heard these words pronounced differently, but some of you are making me want to hear you use them each in a sentence! “Hee-ro-in”, really?

RareDenver's avatar

Exactly the same in the English spoken in the UK

El_Cadejo's avatar

The same for me as well.

Kinda makes ya want to do some heroin. You can be like a super hero, it puts the hero in you :P

iphigeneia's avatar

I’ve always heard them pronounced the same way (with a heh) and never thought that some people might say them differently.

mangeons's avatar

I pronounce them both the same way.

Coloma's avatar

I too pronounce them the same. Heroin would counteract the drama of being a heroine, infact, a heroine on heroin wouldn’t even care if she was ever rescued from the tower. Besides she’d probably just fall of the white charger in her opiate stupor anyway.

I knew I could count on @uberbatman to jump on the smack wagon. lol

JLeslie's avatar

The same.

augustlan's avatar

The same.

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Skaggfacemutt's avatar

@janbb Really? Hee-row-in, as in “hero.” Sorry, but that is so not right. It is pronounced the same as the drug.

It is also not pronounced “he-ro-ween” like halloween. This is not a matter of opinion – any other pronunciation is actually incorrect.

janbb's avatar

@Skaggfacemutt Thinking about it again, you all may be right. However, I do “hear” a slight difference between them.

Kardamom's avatar

I’m in California, I pronounce them both the same. I’ve never heard the one that sounds like hee row in, not even on TV or when visitors from other parts of the country come to visit.

Although my girlfriend who was raised in Long Island says both of them like the sound of Hat rather than Hare (like the bunny) or err (as in to err is human) like I say them.

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