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Mama_Cakes's avatar

How do you think that Romney will do in Ohio?

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11175points) November 3rd, 2012

Inquiring minds want to know.

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18 Answers

marinelife's avatar

I don’t think he’ll win.

People in Ohio know his lies about the auto industry bailout for what they are.

Jaxk's avatar

It appears he’ll do quite well. Still close but early voting is down from the last election and Romney is likely to take the election day votes, so I’m fairly confident. Tuesday will be interesting. I hope all the hospitals have their emergency rooms staffed up for all the heart attacks. I’m predicting a Romney win.

Linda_Owl's avatar

Hopefully, not as well as he seems to expect.

jerv's avatar

If you had asked a week or so ago, I would agree with @Jaxk but I think that the Jeep fiasco may hamstring him after he doubled then tripled down on a blatant, proven lie.

About the only way Ohio will be a slam dunk is if the Republicans pull the sort of stuff they are trying in WA (calling up from a fictitious organization and saying that you cannot vote until you receive a new ballot, going to the homes of registered Democrats and offering to deliver ballots to the drop-boxes…fraud basically), so it’s going to be tight at best, and his chances really depend on whether Ohio voters hate Democrats enough to elect a bald-faced liar.

glacial's avatar

I think a lot Ohioans regret voting Republican in the 2010 election – only to have them “unexpectedly” initiate anti-union legislation. There was a lot of protesting about that issue at the time, and it will be remembered. I think more voters will go Obama this year.

Qingu's avatar

Of course you’re predicting a Romney win, @Jaxk. It’s your job to say that as a Republican partisan.

Meanwhile, in objective reality, every poll in Ohio shows Obama ahead—except one Republican-leaning pollster that shows they are tied.

flutherother's avatar

Ohio is a key state and who wins in Ohio will probably win the election. The key voters in Ohio are the auto workers and the key to the auto workers vote is Mrs Evelyn McClatchey of Toledo Ohio. Pollsters are agreed that Mrs McClatchey’s vote is going to decide the election and from what I hear she doesn’t like Mitt Romney.

Ron_C's avatar

I suspect that Romney will lose in Ohio but the governor and republican party will “manipulate” the count to give Romney the victory.

There hasn’t been an honest presidential election for years, I don’t expect this one to be any better.

jerv's avatar

BTW, who owns the voting machines in Ohio? Think about it ;)

Ron_C's avatar

@jerv I believe Diebold whose owners are very big supporters of Tea Party republicans.

GracieT's avatar

@Ron_C, yep, it is Diebold. :0(

glacial's avatar

Incredible, really. If it has been known for 8 years or so that there are serious problems with these machines… why haven’t they been replaced? Who is responsible for that?

Qingu's avatar

@Ron_C, is there anything that you don’t take a conspiracy theory view about? Was the 2008 election honest? I mean, I remember when you refused to believe Osama bin Laden was really dead.

Ron_C's avatar

@Qingu am I really that bad? I guess I just don’t trust big groups. I trust individuals but it seems that along with intelligence, honesty changes at an inverse ration to the number of people in a group.

The only reason the 2008 election was more or less honest is that Obama’s advantage was too high to fake the results.

jerv's avatar

@Ron_C That is the difference between humans and ants; hive intelligence vs mass confusion.

An ant is stupid, but a colony of ants is smart enough to do some intense engineering.

A human is intelligent (moreso than an ant, at least), but a group of humans is stupidified by internal conflicts, redundancy of effort, ego clashes, etcetera.

Example; Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Olympia Snowe (R-ME) intelligent, but the US Senate as a whole is as stupid as it can get.

Qingu's avatar

@Ron_C I just wish you would chill. :)

I should also probably follow this advice. This election is making me crazy.

Ron_C's avatar

O.K. you all, I’m chillin’

jerv's avatar

@Qingu That is why I am trying to ignore the election and learn Ryzom. I just upgraded my Cold spell to level 2, so I can now chill three times harder than before!

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