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ucme's avatar

Obama/Romney in pictures: Want to take a peek?

Asked by ucme (50052points) November 6th, 2012

I couldn’t think of a relevant question to back up the photos, see here.
Maybe you can throw in a comment or two, serious or funny, I don’t mind which.
I know this is reaching a bit, but at least it’s topical, so throw me a frickin bone here :¬)

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14 Answers

fremen_warrior's avatar

Nope, not one bit interested. Thank you for asking though ;-)

ucme's avatar

You were interested enough to answer though, entirely predictable as that one was.

fremen_warrior's avatar

@ucme I am a bit of a smartass, aren’t I?

ucme's avatar

@fremen_warrior Copyright laws state clearly that smartarsery is my function here, butt out ;¬}
@Mama_Cakes You’re welcome m’dear.

wundayatta's avatar

Oh Jeez! You mean they are both human beings with parents and schooling and wives and kids and all that? Who’d a thunk it?

ucme's avatar

@wundayatta time sweet jesus, I like you, you’re silly.

ucme's avatar

Tee-hee, someone actually gave that a GA, intelligent user!

Seek's avatar

Wow. Romney was literally born with a silver cork up his arse. Look at pic #3 and #4. It’s like he was chosen for the role of “uptight public school prefect” in a BBC movie.

ucme's avatar

In the third picture it looks like Romney’s dad is attempting to molest young Obama’s right breast.

Seek's avatar


That was the sound of me hitting the floor.

@ucme I think I’m in love with you a little. ^_^

Seek's avatar

Also, he holds a baseball bat like a spina bifida patient. What the hell.

ucme's avatar

I believe that bat went on to become his spouse :¬)

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