What are you really happy about right now?
The last time this question was asked, it was 2010. I just felt maybe it’s time to put this out there again. Right now, I suddenly felt joy knowing my shift will be over in about 4 hours. Nice!
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42 Answers
To be honest not much really. I study abroad and I really miss my family and friends. I’m also not used to the climate here, the temperatures go down to 0ÂșC at night, so that doesn’t help. Besides, I’m loaded up with coursework until December, which is when I’ll go back home for Christmas break. So yeah, I’m looking forward to getting back home for Christmas :)
My wife and daughter. I’m feeling really blessed, and even a little hopeful, lately.
A quirky language I have been learning for the past 3 weeks finally started to make some sense in class today (we actually started to form basic sentences after weeks of phonetics, lol), so I am really looking forward to being more proficient at it, i.e. be able to have a very ordinary conversation about the weather with a native speaker. Makes me happy that I’m learning something unique, and practical at the same time, AND that it is starting to actually seem doable. Fun :-)
I am really happy that someone thought of me today. :)
I am happy for my cheerfully painted apartment. That we have had warm weather today, and I have figured out how to make my grumpy coworkers happy and have been able to save some money in the process for me. I am really happy I decided to splurge on a gym membership last month.
Lastly I am glad I have found this site, it’s both entertaining and informative as well as stimulates pondering and is quite friendly.
I am happy because I spent 3 hours raking and blowing leaves and heaving vast pounds of acorns off of my yard yesterday. I am NOT exagerating, I must have moved 200 lbs. of acorns. NO shit!
It was like herding Lemmings off a cliff. The blower causing an acorn swarm that looked like a moving layer of rodents or beetles, and me blasting the helpless little acorns over the cliff in my front yard. lol It was a MAJOR big deal workout and I need a massage. haha
I am happy because I have a big trip overseas next year but right now, I am happy that my holidays over the Christmas period are getting closer. So looking forward to a good break.
I’m happy about the fact that my dad got me a car, that I’m officially done with the SAT/ACT forever, that I’m doing well in school, and that I made a lot of friends this year so far. But what I’m most excited about at this current point in time is that December gets closer and closer with each passing day!!!!!!!! :D
Elizabeth Warren! Also, I have heat again. :)
The corgi and the dachshund sleeping next to me.
My sons, who are both in college, will both be home during the Thanksgiving break in a few short weeks. Our youngest was going to go to Tennessee to visit a friend but his plans changed. It will be nice to have the entire family together again.
I’m going to shoot the steel challenge this weekend, with a shotgun side match. I can barely contain myself. giggidy
Claire McCaskill trounced Akin in MO. The election is over and I can think of other things tomorrow, like the next storm on its way.
I got through another dentist appointment with only a stiff neck. Only one more filling to go.
Everything is going to be okay.
@Coloma Love your description of the acorns, I have never had that experience and it sounds wonderful. Endorphins pumping, beauty nature uniqueness and accomplishment. I loved having a cliff in my yard once upon a time, Lucky you.
American University students just happy about Obama winning. They were taking pictures, yelling Obama’s name on the metro station on the way to the White House. Ahhh, America’s future…
President Obama’s re-election!
Wins for Obama and marriage equality!
Fuck man, I’m not happy about anything. I can’t even beat the first boss in Sacred 2 Fallen Angel. And it took me twelve hours to get to him. His health keeps regenerating. KOBOLDS DON’T DO THAT! Trolls do that, not Kobolds damnit!
Nah I kid, the game is awesome and I’m happy I have it. It’s super huge, so it’s gonna cover me for a long time while I have very little funds to waste on inaccurately based Dungeons&Dragons games, anyway.
@Symbeline So, tell me if I’m wrong, could you be a Dryad in Ankaria-?
I’m a Seraphim. THESE WEAPONS DO NOTHING. srsly how do you beat this guy?
From about 6.30pm tonight I will be able to relax with back to back episodes of Grey’s Anatomy!
Being in love.
And no more political ads.
I can’t say I’m really happy about anything right now but I can imagine being happy about the election. Relieved is more like it however.
I am happy right now because my daughters boyfriend wants to cook me dinner and bring it over tonight! How amazingly nice is that?!!!
Score for the pseudo MIL…he’s a keeper. I love this guy and obviously he likes me, wtf…what 23 year old guy offers to make dinner for his girlfriends mama. Pretty cool!:-D
The guys finished replacing my skylights, new flashing and shingles on time and when scheduled. They vacuumed the area where debris fell into the living room and washed all the new glass.
8 hours yesterday and 3 today. One of the best group of young contractors I have ever worked with. The boss is a young man with a really steady and good income because not only is he a skilled worker but also a savvy businessman who understands the value of customer relations.
He brought with him Zion, a particularly large brown great Dane, who was stuffed into the back of a hatchback and wound himself out onto my driveway like a giant python.
I just received the results back from my first assignment for the course I am doing and passed with 70%. This is the first time I have gone back to education since I left school at 16 years old so I was particular nervous about this first module as I didn’t know what the tutors and examiners would be expecting. One module down, five to go!
@Leanne1986: Yay for you. Are you more confident now that you have greased the wheels and you know that the machinery is functioning well?
I woke up to only 2” of snow and heat.
I have a blowaway day today. Exercised yesterday., I have no errands, no social engagements, no serious chores, no cooking on the schedule, the house is clean, Milo needs only two nails snipped, the election is over, I have several books I am eager to read, my knees feel pretty good after the Synvisc shot and the temperature is rising.
@gailcalled and I have the same day unfolding.
Today is the west coasts first cold storm with temps. dropping over 30 degrees overnight and a few inches of snow for the foothills and maybe 8–10 inches for the Sierras later today and tonight.
Right now it is windy and cool watching the clouds start to roll in.
I have accomplished all my “must do’s” for the week, am stocked on groceries, got my flu shot, had my car smogged, finished up some major yardwork and enjoyed a delicious dinner with the offspring last night and some great, humorous “take the ball and run with it” conversation.
My kids, they are a delight to engage with, all the things I most treasure in others, humor, quick wittedness, imagination, and improvisational agility.
Put the 3 of us together and it’s just one big, free for all, comedy skit. lol
Today is cozy up around the house day and I have a Bob Marley Netfilx documentary I am looking forward to watching later.
^^^: Flu shot? Rats. I will start a new list for tomorrow…but not today.
@gailcalled I feel much more confidence now that I know what is expected. Thank you for asking.
I started writing a sci-fi story awhile ago and had lost interest for a long time. Well, more accurately, couldn’t find the time/energy to work on it. I still don’t really have time to spare, but I’ve started working on it again anyway. I’m not sure where the impulse came from. Maybe NaNoWriMo is contagious. Anyway, I’m excited to be back to it and am enjoying myself.
@Mariah Yes, there is no predicting when a block will lift, gotta go with the drift. haha
Well it’s Friday massage day with a happy brownie ending. Life is good.
After a week of awkwardness after an argument, my boyfriend told me he loved me again today. I didn’t doubt it at all but desperately needed to hear it.
I went on a college visit today (it’s the second college I’ve been to) and it got me super excited again about the prospect of going away to college! I spent the rest of the afternoon/evening at a five-year-old’s birthday party and there was a moon bounce… need I say more?
Went out for breakfast and a walk with members of my Shorewalkers group today. We talked about ways to continue walking. I organized it and it was terrific.
I drove on the highway in my new car to an actual destination for the first time ever and I was surprisingly comfortable with it! I’ve driven on the highway a few times before, but I’ve only done it in my sister’s car for a straight shot for about 30 seconds before getting back off until today. I can’t wait until I get my license!
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